The gentle pitter patter on my window is delightful. This liquid gold is the perfect remedy for the dry and dusty drought ridden alpine region.
It’s a number nice day – a day of empowerment and resolution. Mercury goes retrograde today so it is a time to rethink propositions and carefully consider decisions before acting upon them. It’s funny but I don’t fear this phase instead I respect the backward movement of this tiny planet and capitalise on this time as a reflective period. With my Moon and Jupiter in Gemini in the ninth house I consider the retro-phase as a planning time rather than racing ahead making choices I may one day regret.
It is day VII of the detox and I feel fine – a little like the Beatles song, “baby’s in love with me and I feel fine.” My body is in acceptance mode, there doesn’t seem to be any real nagging complaints. The turmoil of the headache from hell has passed and I have a few strands of cotton-wool floating around in my skull. The benefit right now is the clarity of mind and the energy to get things done.
Yesterday for example I swear I piled three days of tasks into one small day – then went to bed early to linger in the quietness of my room. It was lovely to meditate and focus on my breath, see goals that I am working toward and envisage myself in my new wardrobe of clothes and how I will look.
Prometheus suggests going with the flow. The Universe is supporting this phase of elimination. The Devil stomps in and reminds me of my commitment to re-evaluate my choices – relinquish the bonds of fear and I will be set free. Hermes, my ally facilitates the awareness of my innate abilities and how they will carry me toward my destiny. I have all of the tools necessary to carve out a magical future.
The 42 day quest for detoxification and rejuvenation of my mind, body and spirit is underway. I have stepped over some road bumps and excavated a couple of pot holes but I am confident that I posses essential criteria for navigation and ultimately success. It’s a long road to hoe – but I’ve got the implements to go, go, go!
Peace and Love,
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