“We each are gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privildege and our adventure to discover our own special light.” Mary Dunbar
Day seven proposes a inwards spiritual journey. It’s a day of contemplation. This day of the nine day cycle offers us a moment to reflect on where we are and quite possibly pose a different direction. It is a time to discover our unique talents or change the course we are to ensure that we are back on track to where we need to be.
Life is a journey of self-discovery – of simple truths and difficult choices, sometimes we stray away from the vision we once held for ourselves, giving up our personal mission in lieu of every day responsibilities. Our hearts desire can sometimes simmer gently on the embers. Today is a great day to reignite that flame.
The familiar messages of passion and following ones destiny has been evident in the book – John Lennon: The Life. This biography reminds me of the pilot light within that eventually becomes the slow burning flame and once ignited the combustion of dreams is magnified. One such event was when John was introduced to Paul McCartney. As soon as the veil of suspicion was lowered the two young boys realised that there was magic in the words and music.
John’s drive, disappointment and fuelling the fire with his own passion was overtaken and thrust to a new threshold with the randomness and indulgent spark of Berlin, the tempering of the fire during periods of reflection after the return to Liverpool.
I’ve often thought what would have happened if the four young men hadn’t got together – if their flames did not ignite the mania that spread throughout our youth. I assume that if the Beatles did not exist then they would have pursued ordinary lives with a smattering of creativity. Then I realise that John, a disenfranchised soul, looking for something outside of him to quench the yearning would have fallen into a creative melting pot. He was unrelenting, bloody minded in his pursuit of his, “special light”.
The Moon and Chiron offer a taste of forgiveness today. This special time is for healing and enjoying this lunar remedy. Anoint your soul with this cosmic alignment. Remember to honour your special talents in a way that serves your soul journey.
It is day fourteen of the detox and I am doing fine. My spirits are soaring with the eagles and I am leaving the buzzards in the trees. I am grateful for my life.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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