Last night as I sat scratching my head as to why my 11th house has been so challenging recently I realised that Saturn has been visiting. Saturn, or Chronos is a great teacher of patience, responsibility and slow and steady accomplishes all things worth while. He has been in my 11th house of friends and associations for nearly 2 years and now it is time for him to move on. The good part about the Saturn visit is that he always leaves a gift by the door.
Saturn’s visit to my 11th house has raised the importance of friendships. I have tested many friends over the past couple of years and have felt Father Time guiding me with his influential whisper in my ear as to is capable of standing the test of time in my circle of friends. Robert Louis Stevenson suggests, “A friend is a gift you give yourself.” And I am inclined to agree with him whole heartedly.
My friends are such a blessed gift to me – they are wise, funny and certainly enduring. The friends who’ve remained within the inner sanctum have remained steadfast. Throughout my metamorphosis and have applauded the changes and nursed the battle scars with their words of encouragement while creating a healing ointment for the scars upon my soul. I have deduced that family are the words from my heart and my friends are the music of my soul.
Today is a number seven day of inner reflection. I enjoy the number seven days as it encourages me to contemplate on some strategic planning. Quite often when challenging situations occur I prefer the quiet retreat, smile sweetly and back away from the obstacle. It is days like this I prefer to ponder the appropriate solutions rather than react.
The Hanged Man agrees – don’t react (even though Mars is encouraging me in my 10th house of career and public recognition). Become the warrior and retreat under a sycamore tree and lie in wait and draw up battle plans (Mars always likes warring).
The Star inspires hope and understanding – patience and prudence. She acknowledges the battle scars but prefers ingenuity rather than conflict. The Magician motivates me to utilise all of the tricks of the trade (Mercury – his ruler is retrograde at the moment so don’t say or do anything you may regret later). Listen to the voice of reason and be patient. In the meantime bask in the glory of friendship and love!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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