Our body is the windmill and love is the water.
The Moon returns to her natal house of Cancer. She pulls up a recliner, clicks on the TV with her remote and picks up one of her “girlie mags”. Scattered around her are delectable treats, sugary liaisons and emotion swilling ambrosia. She is back home and its time to her lun-li-ness. From this lofty vantage this cosy feeling is ushered toward all of us mere mortals.
Who is that dark figure lurking out there on horizon? Is a planet? Is a star? It’s a planetoid… Oh! No! Pluto has come to visit. He is sending her (the Moon) deep primal messages encouraging her to change her indulgent ways.
“Don’t take away my treaties!” she begs. “No I can’t live possibly eat carrot sticks and ready health magazines! It’s my 2.5 days of the month and all I want to do is relax – please don’t disturb this special time. It is a time to indulge myself with what I love to do.
He does not speak. He won’t engage. He doesn’t need to! His gaze is hypnotic and penetrating. He is Pluto – Lord of the Underworld. There is no more to be said, now is there?
Pluto is turning to direct motion after being retrograde since April. This forward motion is significant especially for Cancerians and Capricorns. However, we can all feel his presence lurking somewhere in the unconscious motivations of our emotional realm. He is encouraging us to drop the toxic baggage at the nearest station and purchase a ticket to ride to a new location.
Its day 13 of my detoxification. The impetus for this commitment was primarily to cleanse the toxins out of my body and regain healthy high functions organs. The ancillary benefit has been the relinquishing of negative thoughts, emotions and behaviours. I’m not done yet – obviously – still a little self-imposed roasting over a low flame.
My pilot light is my co-ruler, Pluto. He appears as the lighthouse to my fears. His light shines brightly over the rocky outcrop of my emotions. He is unrelenting in the pursuit of my evolution. And he is unyielding as my coach. His presence demands I relinquish the unwanted flotsam and jetsam from my life.
His demanding baritone voice bellowing, “Why do you want to carry that crap around with you? Why do you choose to be miserable on such a wonderful day? And you know you can’t change another person’s behaviour – it is you who must conform to fit the mould – at least for now!”
His taunts are deafening. Since I’ve never been one to get the message on the first instigation my lessons have been painful. In the past I have chosen to rebel and staunch in my resolve not to follow the path of least resistance instead carving out a painful road filled with potholes and broken limbs. No, Pluto’s ingénue had to do it the hard way – until now!
In this phase of my life I’ve mellowed, conformed and have learned to smile on cue. The crumpled face smoothed and crossed arms unfolded. Now I prefer a more elegant and demure demeanour and allowing the flow of energy to transit my body with ease.
The chariot offers a different route and I am up for the ride. Hop on board if you are tired or distressed and skip along the yellow brick road – where are those ruby red shoes?
The wheel of fortune spins in with the great benefactor’s blessing. The fool races out of the cave and suggest we travel lightly.
The Empress, Gaia, Earth mother, elite coaxes us into a new phase of self-love and soul nourishment.
It’s Sunday and the Sun is beaming through my window. It is time to rise and celebrate the ay – another opportunity to be a winner in your own race. So Be It!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
i'll be digging out my ruby slippers...