The Moon in Aries encourages motivation and childish enthusiasm. It’s a number eight day – a day of balance and harmony. Athena rules my inner realm with a detached demeanour offer the sword of discernment to cut away the superfluous.
The Food emerges from my weary body skipping toward destinations unknown. Funny thing is, I don’t really want to know the outcome as I am along for the ride.
Strength proposes courage to meet my personal goals and the dedication to the cause. Is it a “just cause?” I don’t know – I will tell you when I get there.
The energy of the morning is swirling and harmonious. I am spinning around and around participating in my own twirling game. My binoculars are locked on to a point off in the distance but there is no clarity – the lens is adjusted but still I can’t see the whole picture.
My world feels like the concept behind the Big Bang theory. Today I am holding a small crystal sphere in my palm – trying to gaze into it while trying to scribe the orb to predict the future.
Acceptances washes over me and I ease into my own nebula – full of gas and ready to form my own cosmos. The microscopic organisms reside in each cell ready to explode into orbit. Today I will immerse myself in the prospect of what will be while being profoundly grateful for where I am right now.
The power of Pluto in my mind zone refurbishes the wish list from beyond the mountains of fear and disappointment. He gazes into my soul and wraps his cape around me while we exchange conversations in silence.
Persephone takes my hand and gently guides me out of the cavern of solitude. The darkness is over and your consult with the Dark Lord is done. My world glows with a fresh perspective – the birth of a new day envelopes me in joy: http://members.iinet.net.au/~jcdewit/coolchick/goddesses.htm
The yard is white – Jack Frost has come to visit. While diamond duvets wrap around the tiny bulbs and flash across the delicate face of my pansies. The kiss from the icy goblin does not diminish their beauty.
It is a sleepy Sunday morning and I am excited about my current phase. The headaches and nausea of the past few days is melting away. The dilatants of distilled water and herbal teas made from pomegranate and gogi berries have flooded my digestive system with a positive force. Fresh unprocessed food have been munched and crunched revealing a new taste sensation with each conscious mouthful.
My day has been planned with a relaxing massage as the entre. The main course is to dwell with the interludes of my imagination. Dessert is the savouring the sweetness of my bliss of day six!
I stand strong in my personal power – with true power that comes with nothing from beyond my reach. So Be It!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
PS: Persephone represents change and transformation - a chameleon who can be whatever someone wants her to be. Out of all types, she is the most dependent on her parents or her lover and tends to need these relationships to feel safe. However, she usually undergoes a period of psychological distress at some point, which opens her up to be more independent, assertive, and enables her to inspire transformations in other people as well. http://www.okcupid.com/
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