Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dreams – Sugarlite

I follow my dreams to my highest good.

Your desires are signalling Lights on your path. If you have a desire to do something or other than what you are doing, follow your inner guidance and find a way to explore your dream. Every even that occurs in your life is a creation that allows you to take a step forward on your path.

When you follow your hearts dreams you will always have the motivation and drive to follow your inner most heart on your path. This is not to say that you should quit your job today and move out of town. Of course, if it seems appropriate then sure follow that thought. But if you open your heart and your life to make room for your dreams to take root, the Universe will send the appropriate experiences and opportunities your way.

If you start doing what you love in small ways today, you signal to the Divine that you are prepared to take action upon your dreams.

So, what is your dream? If you were a multi millionaire and could do anything for a living then what would that vocation/job be? My dream is to be a philanthropist/spiritual counsellor/writer and movie maker. Each day I work on these dreams in small and yet significant ways that is what Sugarlite proposes – work on those dreams and when the egg of opportunity cracks open – dive in!

It’s a number four day of building solid foundations for the future. Lay down the framework to your desires, verbalise, dream and make plans.

The Moon is in Libra which compliments the Gemini Sun. Both are air signs and so their elements are compatible. These signs like to weight up their choices and considerations – they often see both sides of an argument or situation. Eventually they encourage us to seek balance and consistency across the cosmos.

Our morning reading has a playground analogy. With the Lovers indulging their passions with balance and harmony and the Hanged Man literally hanging upside down from the monkey bars. The Moon will only take her most loyal and trusted friends to the playground and as they step on to the merry-go-round she will promise the ride of their life.

Sugarlite says that we should follow our true path then I ask you, “Who will you take on this journey?” And who will you meet? What resources do you need? And what fabulous places will you visit? The message rings loud and clear today, “Dream; dream; dream; dream! All you have to do is dream!”

Love, Peace and Dreams coming true,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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