Friday, December 31, 2010

I see it within myself

How do I know the way of all things at the beginning? I see it within myself.

The greatest virtue is to follow the Tao and the Tao alone.

The Tao is elusive and intangible. Although formless and intangible, it gives rise to form. Although vague and elusive, it gives rise to shapes. Although dark and obscure, it is the spirit, the essence, the life breath of all things.

Throughout the ages, its name has been preserved in order to recall the beginning of all things. How do I know the ways of all things at the beginning? I look inside myself and see what is within me.

A number six day opens up the New Year with commitment and responsibility as its theme. I think it is a good day to make places.

There is a belief that, “what you do on the first day of the new year will set the tone for the year ahead”. Well, I plan to write, read, publish and do some jewellery making. What else is there?

The Moon has moved into the buoyant and philosophical sign of Sagittarius. That means that 2011 will start on an optimistic note. Sadge energy will expand the horizon of the Capricorn (Sun) focus.

Have you written your statement of intent or you goals/resolutions? Today is perfect for expressing gratitude for 2010 and laying the framework for your intentions for this New Year.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

I am doing nothing rather I am being done

I am doing nothing rather I am being done.

Give up learning and you will be free from all cares. What is the difference between yes and no? What is the difference between good and evil?

Must I fear what others fear? Should I fear desolation where there is abundance? Should I fear darkness when that light is shinning everywhere?

In spring, some go to the park and climb the terrace, but I alone am drifting, not knowing where I am. Like a newborn babe before it learns to smile, I am alone, without a place to go.

Most people have too much; I alone seem to be missing something. Mine is indeed the mind of an ignoramus in its unadulterated simplicity. I am but a guest in this world. While others rush about to get things done, I accept what is offered. I alone seem foolish, earning little, spending less.

Other people strive for fame; I avoid the limelight, preferring to be alone. Indeed, I seem like an idiot; no mind, no worries.

I drift like wave on the on the ocean. I blow as aimless as the wind.

All men settle down in their grooves; I alone am stubborn and remain outside. But where I am most different from others is that I know to take sustenance from the great Mother!

This 20th verse of the Tao Te Ching is reflective and interesting. I think that each verse must be savoured and digested in small morsels of individuality. I suggest that each word or concept must resonate within you personally. If it doesn’t then you can leave it to one side of your plate – for later – maybe?

The end of 2010 is aligned with the beginning and the end of a numerological cycle. It is a 10/1 day and I think that this synchronous; another year over and a new one is about to begin.

My current journal is all white. I’ve called it my White Book. The pages were pristine; blank with promise of a new chapter. I started to make the daily entries in November 2010 and am only half way through. Already I’ve noted the personal revolutions, changes and growth spurts that have paved the way toward a New Year.

Today is an acknowledgement that a new cycle is about to begin – a significant date on the calendar and I am taking a few moments to reflect on the Jupiter ruled number three year.

I ponder the lessons and the massive growth cycle. I am grateful for many assets and blessings – blessing such as friends, family, opportunities, the love and devotion of a good man and the loyalty of my inner circle of my golden confidantes.

I am grateful for my health and the ability to move freely and to glide through life in a supple and magnificent temple. I am grateful that I have a mode of communication sacred and vibrant where I can share my insights; pass along lessons I gained in this glorious academy called earth.

The Scorpio Moon is the intense playing field we need to transform our lives. Mars and Pluto are the rulers of this complex sign. Their gift is to take you intent and channel it into creation. On that note I have to ask, what is your intention for 2011? Where do you want to be this time next year?

Perhaps you want to be a Nowhere Man like the suggestion in this 20th verse of the Tao Te Ching. Maybe your aspirations are to be much more high profile. Wherever you want to be I wish you love, peace and happiness.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, December 30, 2010

I am moral, profitable, and a genius extraordinaire

I am moral, profitable, and a genius extraordinaire regardless of what any transcript or statement might say

Give up sainthood, renounce wisdom, and it will be a hundred times better for everyone. Throw away morality and justice and people will do the right thing. Throw away industry and profit and there will be no thieves.

All of these are outward forms alone; they are not sufficient in themselves.

It is not more important to see the simplicity, to realise one’s true nature, to cast of selfishness and temper desire.

This is a great statement of intention to lead us into the new Year isn’t it? I like these affirmations as a way of creating the tone for our future. It is funny though that when I am in my “poor phases” money or people and or opportunities have appeared at just the perfect time to make things happen.

A number nine day takes us into the Scorpio Moon phase. Nine is associated with empowerment and resolution. So soak it up and feel the effervescent celebration for growth and evolution.

The Scorpio Moon promises passion and intensity in all that we do. If you need energy to motivate yourself to bring 2010 to a positive conclusion then this Moon is your ticket to ride.

Love, peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I act virtuously

I act virtuously; I do not need rules to be kind and just

When the greatness of the Tao is present, action arises from one’s own heart. When the greatness of the Tao is absent, action comes from the rules of “kindness and justice.”

If you need rules to be kind and just, if you act virtuous, thus we see the great hypocrisy.

When the kinship falls into discord, piety and rites of devotion arise. When the country falls into chaos, official loyalists will appear; patriotism is born.

The dignified and cooperative Libran moon supports as we attempt to comprehend the intensity of the Mars and Saturn battle in the cosmos today.

Is there are person or a situation that is causing you unrest? Well this is the day to remove them/it from your address book.

Before I had electronic journals I use to buy myself a new address book each year around this time. As the New Year approached I would consider if I wanted to maintain the relationship into the next year. If there were no redeeming qualities left in the relationship I would not include them in he new book. Now, the delete key is just as efficient.

I figure that this philosophy works just as well with attitudes and behaviours. See, I am not that callous after all!

So, how is your break? Have you had a good holiday or have you been disappointed? Mercury is about to turn direct so if you are out there on a limb in now where man’s land pick up the phone and get your groove happening.

If you ant to restructure the way your Christmases will manifest in the future today is a great day to do some serious statements of intention.

It’s a number eight day so achievement and balance are priorities. It’s time for you to get back on track and move with the flow of these two constant circles of affinity.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, December 27, 2010

I fully trust others

I fully trust others to know what is best for them

With the greatest leader above them, people barely know one exists. Next comes one who they love and praise. Next comes one who they fear. Next comes one whom they despise and defy.

When a leader trusts no one, no one trusts him/her.

The great leader speaks little. He never speaks carelessly. He works without self-interest and leaves no trace. When all is finished, the people say, “We did it ourselves.”

This is an interesting verse don’t you think? To allow others to reveal their inner wisdom is a beautiful gift. This is demonstrated beautifully in transformational counselling. Phrases like, “what do you feel is right for you?” And, what is your intuition guiding you toward?” are important clues to find your inner voice. Of course there is guidance beyond the curtain but ultimately the direction of your life is up to you!

The Moon in Libra offers wise decision-making. Sometimes I call the lunar maiden’s “Athene” period. She is wise and fair – her demeanour is calm and considerate. She is the impersonating the Goddess of the scales.

By this I mean, she makes her choices purely from the mind – her emotions are not taken into account. In other “watery” incarnations she influences our world purely from the depths of her watery realm.

A number seven day offers exploration into our inner sanctum. There have been days of changes and destinations of commitment and responsibility. Now we must dig deep and connect with the Source.

We must now connect with our inner voice and find the map to our perfect destination. See you at the Temple of Wisdom.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Sunday, December 26, 2010

I observe all endings and beginnings

Amidst the rich of worldly comings and goings, I observe how all endings become beginnings

The 16th verse of the Tao Te Ching reminds us:

Become totally empty. Let your heart be at peace. Amidst the rush of comings and goings, observe how all endings become beginnings.

Things flourish each by each, only to return to the Source... to what is and what is to be.

To return to the root is to find peace. To find peace is to fulfil one’s destiny. To fulfil one’s destiny is to be constant. To know the constant is called insight. Not knowing this cycle leads to eternal disaster.

Knowing the constant gives perspective. This perspective is impartial. Impartiality is the highest nobility; the highest nobility is Divine.

Being Divine, you will be at one with the Tao. Being at one with the Tao is eternal. This way is everlasting, not endangered by physical death.

I hold this verse very close to my heart and mind. I consistently note in my journal the importance and relevance of the cycles of life. For me it is not just about the endings and beginnings also the glorious space in between. To live each day as a precious gift is my mantra. I refuse to become bored instead see each task as a lesson of consequence, each conversation as a paradigm of meaning and each relationship as an academy of teachers.

I realised a long time ago that I am a student in this classroom of life. My greatest blessings are the connections I have with you!

The Moon in Virgo cautions against over-indulgence. The celebrations are winding down and our digestive system is pleased. Now back to normality – the richness of food is replaced by healthy morsels keeping the vessel for our soul vibrant and vivacious.

It’s a number six day of commitment and responsibility; a good day to return to a healthy lifestyle. Some of us are on a summer break- a few days to relish the warmth of the sun on our bodies and the freedom to explore the creative fantasies.

Holidays are such a brilliant escarpment in the climb toward success. They are niches for happiness and joy. Please be safe and I hope you find peace in your climb.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, December 25, 2010

All creations originates

The place of my origination is stillness, from which all creation originates.

This 15th verse of the Tao Te Ching reminds me of the importance of meditation. In the stillness there is creation. I can relate to this. I am aware that I have a busy mind – always darting off thinking, planning or even revising lots of thoughts and activities. However, when I meditate and my mind is quiet I know that this is the most fertile time for me.

The Sun and Moon are balanced and compatible in earth signs. The Moon is in Virgo and she is cautious and considerate; a perfect phase after the potential gluttony of the Christmas feast from yesterday.

The Sun is in hardworking and ambitious Capricorn. He is respectful and responsible. These alignments may sound boring but are necessary my Celestial buddies. It is the day after the big feasts and flashing lights and a subdued atmosphere is most welcomed I should imagine.

A number five day adds a tincture of surprise and electrifies the cauldron of complacencey. We can’t be too stodgy – it is Christmas after all!

I hope you received all of the gifts and love you deserve – if you didn’t there are always the Boxing Day sales! Ho! Ho! Ho!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, December 24, 2010

Into harmony with the way

Merry Christmas everyone! Find your place of harmony and peace!

Discovering how things have always been brings me into harmony with the way.

The early morning sounds of Christmas past are rattling around in the kitchen. The turkey is being prepared and the seasoning is being made. Its Christmas morning and the street quiet. The Christmas Eve party from last night is dormant in the alcohol haze.

We came to Sydney to join our family and friends for another year of Christmas celebrations. Breakfast with one family lunch another and the rolling on to dinner with another branch of the family tree. Tomorrow we continue the banquet with another meal with family – lucky I brought elasticised waisted skirts and flowy loose fitting dresses. It’s great to see them all and bask in the wonder of the child-like celebrations and fun.

I am staying with my mother in her tiny cottage. We have reminisced, hugged and shared many conversations filled with kind words and repetition. I love being with her and watching her grow into the golden phase of maturity. It’s a blessing to be here and sharing these holidays with her and my awesome family.

The Leo Moon is the perfect space for this silver orb to be bouncing in right now. In harmony she is gregarious, proud, lovely and generous. Out of harmony she could instigate some bent noses out of joint with inappropriate gifts and sloppy kisses from Uncle Bert. Try not to let those disappointments interfere with the fun and joy of this special day.

A number four day is a foundation building day; a time for building bridges and walking toward your pinnacle of dreams.

Have a joyful, happy and safe Christmas day!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I see myself as everything

I see myself as everything. I love myself as everyone.

Favour and grace seem alarming. High status greatly afflicts your person.

Why are favour and disgrace alarming? Seeking favour is degrading; alarming when it’s gotten, alarming when it’s lost.

Why does high status greatly afflict your person? The reason we have a lot of trouble is that we have selves. If we had no selves, what trouble would we have?

Man’s true self is eternal, yet he thinks, I am this body and will soon die. If we have no body, what calamities can we have? One who sees himself as everything is fit to be guardian of the world. One who loves himself as everyone is fit to be teacher of the world.

This 13th verse of the Tao Te Ching is enlightening isn’t it? Why do we seek approval from others when we are perfect as we are? It’s easy to fall into a pattern of seeking approval from others. When we look in the mirror and smile that is the true seal of approval.

The Moon is buoyant n the lover sign of the zodiac. Leo gives a loved up glowing feel to the day. There is a tendency to over-spend so be cautious. Remember that Mercury is still retrograde so be careful with last minute purchases – especially electrical.

It’s an energetic number three day and I am wired for the frenetic pace. There are final shopping lists to be attacked but be careful out there peeps!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Acquisition and Fame

I choose to ignore the seductive lure of acquisition and fame.

The five colours blind the eye. The five tones deafen the ear. The five flavours dull the taste. The chase and the hunt craze people’s minds.

Wasting energy to obtain rare objects only impedes one’s growth.

The master observes the world but trusts his inner vision. He allows things to come and go. He prefers what is within to what is without.

The Moon moves into her regal and proud phase of Leo. You know what that means don’t you? It’s party time!

Isn’t it interesting that our conversation with the Tao warns against acquisition and fame as the Moon moves into one of the most prominent sign for actors?

With the drama of the Full Moon this week exacerbated with the eclipse I think it’s time to put on the party shoes and dance your way into the festive season. Don’t be afraid to let you hair down and enjoy the passionate energies of the Leo Moon.

On the other side of that we have the Sun in Capricorn. He wants you to remain focused – consider our ambitions and be committed and responsible. That doesn’t sound like fun does it? Well, my Friends, when the work is done and we’ve achieved all of our goals the release is exhilarating.

It’s an 11/2 master number day of collaboration with a period of learning. I feel it could be a great day – so enjoy the moment any way you can – but keep it safe out there Peeps!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What is?

The usefulness of what is depends on what is not.

Thirty spokes converge upon a single hub; it is on the hole in the centre that the use of the cart hinges.

Shape clay into a vessel; it is the space within that makes it useful. Curve fine doors and windows, but the room is useful in its emptiness.

The usefulness of what is depends on what is not.

Yesterday we rode the eclipse. Today we start fresh with the 10/1 day. Something has come to an end i.e. giving us a new door to walk through. How did it work for you? How did you feel about the intensity of that blood moon? It was a rough ride for some but the changes that took place were necessary.

The Moon in Cancer brings a homey feel – everyone is hankering for the home cooked meal, relaxing with the family, laughter and joy. This Cancerian ambience faces a stark reality against the Capricorn Sun phase.

It’s back to work to finish up the year on a positive and fulfilled note. So tear yourself away from the couch and ho; ho; ho to finalise your projects.

Stand proud and satisfied with the work you’ve done. You have made a contribution to the work force or community – sign off with love and peace.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, December 20, 2010

I see myself in all things

I suspend my belief in opposites by seeing myself in all.

Carrying body and soul and embracing the one, can you avoid separation?

Can you let your body become as supple as a newborn child’s? In the opening and shutting of heaven’s gate, can you play the feminine part?

Can you love people and govern your domain without self-importance?

Giving birth and nourishing; having, yet no processing; working, yet not taking credit; leading without controlling or dominating.

One who heeds this power brings the Tao to this very earth. This is the primal virtue.

The Full Moon eclipse will happen at 6:13pm AEST today. She will eclipse at 30 degrees Gemini. This is a Universal push to shed any unwanted baggage from your life. The eclipse will ensure a dramatic finale however what is removed or shed is not working for you and your progress. While eclipses are usually dramatic and considering that the Full Moon is involved then we can be assured that these changes will take place in our emotional realm or our social sphere.

Personally I think that there could be a little confusion as the ruler of Gemini, Mercury is still tracking backwards right now. I guess a word of caution is to be careful what you ask for – for you just might get it! Some people have already felt the impact of this eclipse and are possibly still trying to comprehend the repercussions.

The numerological vibe of the day supports the celestial messaging – nine is in relation to conclusion or resolution. This is a supportive stage for bringing 2010 to a climatic close.

Whatever happens around this time of year remember that it was meant to be!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Sunday, December 19, 2010

My cup is full

To keep on filling is not as good as stopping. Overfilled, the cupped hands drip, better to stop pouring.

Sharpen the blade too much and its edge will soon be lost. Fill your house with jade and gold and it brings insecurity. Puff yourself with honour and pride and no one can save you from a fall.

Retire when the work is done; this is the way to heaven.

Monday; Moon day and we are off to work. We are on the path toward the holiday season. This past weekend was sprinkled with family and friends.

One of my dearest friends and I skyped and it was wonderful to see her beautiful face – I miss her terribly. The beauty of this mode of communication is that we have propelled ourselves into the Jeston era.

The Moon in Gemini and the Sun in Sadge is a happy partnership. There is a buoyant harmony between air and fire. They are compatible and this adds to a lovely pre-full moon ambience.

The Moon is full in Gemini tomorrow with an eclipse – kapow – more about that tomorrow.

There is one saving grace to this unstable energy and that is this practical number eight day. Eight is a great day to get business done and to find peace and harmony in your life – enjoy.

Might I suggest when the work is done – rest – for that is the message of the Tao?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Accordance with nature

I live in accordance with nature and therefore never go against the way of things

The supreme good is like water, which nourishes all things without trying to. It flows in low places loathed by all men. Therefore, it is like the Tao.

Live in accordance with nature of things. In dwelling, be close to the land. In meditation, go deep in the heart. In dealing with others, be gentle and kind. Stand by your word. Govern with equity. Be timely in choosing the right moment.

One who lives in accordance with nature does not go against the way of things. He moves in harmony with the present moment, always knowing the truth of just what to do.

My room is quiet. I can hear the tick-tock of the clock. This stillness is riveting and as I write I yearn for more – the exquisite sound of the void.

In my youth I tried to fill the void with noise – music or senseless chatter. In conversations I had to make sure that there were no spaces. Now I prefer to listen.

The Moon in Gemini is a sociable and chatty phase. I love this phase with all its communication, short journeys and connections to others.

Yesterday I spoke to my sister on the phone. We don’t normally connect that way as we prefer telepathy to telephones. We have an instant connection with unlimited download speed – an invisible chord that is instantaneous and unbreakable. More importantly we don’t have to wait for some overpriced Telco to come and install and or fix the line.

Our conversation flowed – it was good to hear her voice. We talked about all things family and potential Christmas fun. I miss her and look forward to spending some sister-time together real soon.

A number seven day is a spiritual cruisey kind of day. It’s a day of reflection and an opportunity to bask in the void.

I’m planning a relaxing day filled with joy. I am wrapping Christmas gifts ready for deployment next week. I will set the scene with some sensual and relaxing music – wrapping and labelling an atmosphere of joy and bliss. A fabulous Sunday no doubt.

The Tao suggests that we connect with the nature of things. I think that a garden sojourn is on the agenda also – a grounding experience with the therapeutic outcome.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, December 17, 2010

My own fulfilment

It is through selfless action that I experience my own fulfilment.

The 7th verse of the Tao Te Ching reveals:

Heaven is eternal – the earth endures. Why do heaven and earth last forever? They do not live for themselves only? This is the secret of their durability.

For this reason the sage puts himself last and so ends up ahead. He stays a witness to life, so he endures. Sever the needs of others, and all your needs will be fulfilled. Through selfless action, fulfilment is attained.

The pragmatic energy of the number six attempts to make sense of this seventh verse. We try to comprehend the complexity of giving to others and yet being the gifted one. There is a certain satisfaction when you give freely of yourself isn’t there? When you do something just to help another person without any agenda or expectation a flame ignites in your soul and this is evident in your demeanour.

Six is a rational mode. And this flows perfectly with the practicality of the Taurean Moon. Taurus is earthy and realistic a perfect tone for finalising gifts and planning our own fulfilment.

This Christmas I am giving of myself – supporting others and being in the moment with my family and friends. I am putting their wants before my own desires and I know that I too will feel the positive vibration of fulfilment. This intention feels right – a perfect alignment to this seventh verse of the Tao.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Inner callings

I pay attention to my inner callings and apply my own uniqueness to everything I undertake.

The spirit that never dies is called the mysterious feminine. Although she becomes the whole universe, her immaculate purity is never lost. Although she assumes countless forms, her true identity remains in tact.

The gateway to the mysterious female is called the root of creation.

Listen to her voice, hear it echo through creation. Without fail, she reveals her presence. Without fail, she brings us to our own perfection. Although it is invisible, it endures; it will never end.

Let’s face it we’ve all been through a tough week with a battle of the Titans in the sky. Mars and Pluto have done their best to stir up the mix – Mercury in retrograde motion has added confusion to the mix. Jupiter and the Sun have joined in to give an over inflated perspective of our self importance so if you feel all puffed up and dented this week you are not alone.

Actually, for me I’ve experienced lots of love and opportunities for expansion this week. This surge of confidence flowing my way has been well received. I am feeling extremely buoyant and massively grateful –a glorious way to ride the tidal wave of change – don’t you think?

The Moon moves into Taurus today. This adds a nice practical feel to the lat day of the working week.

It’s a number five day so more changes on the horizon. We have to put on our life jackets I think – there are rough seas ahead. No seriously – change is a good thing. I can feel it and I am gulping down – what about you?

Wherever you end up and whatever you do make sure you pay attention to your inner callings, okay?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Eliminate judgements

I work at eliminating all of my judgements of others.

This fifth verse of the Tao Te Ching is a difficult task. Here is the verse for you to consider:

Heaven and earth are impartial; they see the 10,000 things as straw dogs. The sage is not sentimental; he treats all his people as straw dogs.

The sage is like heaven and earth; to him none are especially dear, nor is there anyone he disfavours, he gives and gives, without condition, offering his treasures to everyone.

Between heaven and earth is a space like a bellows; empty and inexhaustible, the more it is used the more it produces.

Hold on to the centre. Man was made to sit quietly and find the truth within.

The Moon in Aries gives a fiery zeal to the emotional propeller. The Sun is still in Sadge so the general ambience is philosophical and optimistic.

There is still a cosmic hang-over from the war of the brutes – Mars and Pluto. Mercury continues his backward cycle which adds a hot and spicy flavour to the stew.

There is a dark low cloud looming outside my window. It is heavy with rain. A storm is brewing – I can feel it. This is a physical reminder of the energy building in the Universe. As difficult as it may be – don’t buy into it unless you want a ticket to lonesome-ville.

A number four day reminds us that slow and steady is the way to go – there is no need to rush while you build the foundations for the future – take your time and ensure a solid and sustainable framework.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

All providing

The all-providing Tao is empty, yet inexhaustible.

The fourth verse of the Tao Te Ching offers:

The Tao is empty but inexhaustible, bottomless, the ancestor of it all.

Within it, the sharp edges become smooth; the twisted knots loosen; the sun is softened by a cloud; the dust settles into place.

It is hidden but always present. I do not know who gave birth to it. It seems to be the common ancestor of all, the father of things.

There is a clash between the Moon Mars, Pluto today they are not happy! Their bad mood can impact on us here on earth. Also Mercury is retrograde so please be careful what you say and how you say it. Make sure you seek feedback so there is no confusion.

It is also number three day of communication and short journeys – there is a lot of chatter out there on the information highway so log on and pay attention. Number three days are brilliant with lots of intellectual jousting and grabbing the right attention.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, December 13, 2010

Happiness is the way

I know that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.

Putting a value on status will create contentiousness. If you overvalue possessions, people begin to steal. By not displaying what is desirable, you will cause people’s hearts to remain undisturbed.

The sage governs by emptying minds and hearts, by weakening ambitions and strengthening bones.

Practice not doing… When action is pure and selfless, everything settles into its own perfect place.

The Moon moves into raunchy Aries today. This is a robust and fiery sign.

Yesterday was a new beginnings and fresh start day and today we face an 11/2 master number vibration. This numerological stage is related to teaching and learning. So bring it on!

How can we ensure that we find happiness with all this action? How can we take time for us when the cosmos is alive with the potency of Mars, Pluto and Mercury connections?

There are powerful influences for change and deliberate movement today. Schedule some time for you and your passions. This is an important milestone as we move toward the season of celebration.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Sunday, December 12, 2010

It lasts forever

When my work is done, it is forgotten. That is why it lasts forever.

This is the second verse of the Tao Te Ching. The interpretation is as follows:

Under heaven all can see beauty as beauty, only become there is ugliness. All can know good as good only because there is evil.

Being and nonbeing produce each other. The difficult is born in the easy. Long is defined by short, the high by low. Before and after go along with each other.

So the sage lives openly with apparent duality and paradoxical unity. The sage can act without effort and teach without words. Nurturing things without possessing them, he works, but not for rewards; he compete, but not for results.

When the work is done, it is forgotten. That is why it last forever.

Have you ever heard your Mum say, “A woman’s work is never done?”

I have! I’ve said it too.

It seems that we are in a continuum of bringing order out of chaos. There is beauty and dedication in our acts of work either paid work or unpaid. This dedication is in itself a demonstration of forever.

We are mid-way between the cycle of the New Moon and the Full Moon. This signpost is a moment when you might see some of your wishes come to fruition – exciting, isn’t it?

It’s a 10/1 day so endings and beginnings area also relevant. What needs to be concluded so that the new cycle can begin?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Great Mystery

The Neptunian influence of the Piscean Moon is the perfect transition to a new perspective in life.

The numerological vibe rings 333 a herald that Angels support this journey.

Mercury is retrograde which suggests that this may be a conversation that will be repeated, is that a bad thing?

I am embarking on the journey of the Tao Te Ching and I want to take you with me, will you come?

Throughout my personal journey I have been inspired by many bards, minstrels, storytellers, prophets, metaphysicians and healers. I have transformed many times here in this earth school. Quite often these transformations have been inspired by external events such as lightning bolts out of the blue and other times a shift in perspective has occurred with the internal mechanisms of change working overtime.

When these shocks or changes have hit I have regained my balance by adapting to the changes and seeking strategies or solutions that will assist me in navigating the rocky outcrops of my existence. One of the most inspiring advocates of change has been Dr. Wayne Dyer.

I’ve attended three of his lectures. In August this year I was at the, “You can change your life” conference in Sydney where he spoke about the Tao Te Ching. I was fascinated by the wisdom of the Tao Te Ching. These 81 verses were authored by Lao-tzu, a Chinese prophet who was also the keeper of the imperial archives in the ancient capital of Luoyang.

The Tao Te Ching offers Divine guidance on virtually every area of human existence. It is a new way of thinking in a world that needs to recapture its ancient teachings.

We will work with the verses and affirmations daily which will change the way we look at things and the things we look at will change.

The first affirmation is: I choose to enjoy living the great mystery. The mystery itself is the doorway to all understanding. Walk through it with me, please?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, December 10, 2010

Live from your spirit

If you feel that everything you’re doing right now isn’t working, or that every situation you face is working against you, be glad! Believe it or not, on a soul level you’re simply entering a major learning curve. The only thing blocking you is thinking too much, instead of just following your spirit. The more your soul asserts itself, the more you must respond from your Higher Self.

View all aggravating circumstances as an invitation to grown and flex your Divine muscles. Stop lamenting, “Why is this happening to me?” as life is unfair. The awakened soul knows that isn’t the case: Life is just – it’s your response that decides the outcome. Stay connected to your Higher Self rather than drowning in drama. Above all, take a close look at how much of your behaviour is simply an unsavoury, unconscious “goulash” of condition acquired form childhood, peer pressure, the media, society, or even past lives, and not a reflection of your true spirit.

Your soul’s purpose right now is to eliminate all the over thinking and negative habits that clog your judgement, highjack your freedom, and victimise you. Instead, use the power of your Higher Self.

The Moon is in her ideological and non-conformist phase of Aquarius. She is detached and unemotional and yet has the propensity for deep humanitarian connections. I quite like this Moon phase as it resonates with my Gemini Moon. I understand the Aquarian gig and admire their inventive aptitude.

It’s a number eight day of harmony and balance. I am back home after a five week course. The end of the course was yesterday and I was so proud of my participants. They demonstrated their professional capabilities with dedication, adaptability and a willingness to push the boundaries of their potential. In essence that is the energy of the number eight.

During the past sixty three days we have explored the Soul Lessons and Soul Purpose oracle. This journey was created by Sonia Choquette. This amazing lady claims that this journey is the most direct path to spiritual peace and personal fulfilment. I hope you have enjoyed these daily suggestions as we evolve together.

The day I met Ms. Choquette she asked me, “Do you love your spirit, Julia?” I beamed, “I adore my spirit!” I hope you feel the same way about your spirit too!

I want to take a different tack with our cyber conversations from tomorrow. Stay tuned and you’ll discover where to from here. Blessed be.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Claim your art

Your soul’s purpose right now is to view and interpret every aspect of your existence as a work of art.

This is a high-five card for me. I do adore my existence and every thread of my tapestry. I love my art and my art loves me. I don’t really mind if other people do not love my art – this is not a priority. I enjoy living in this world as an artist and that’s all that matters to me. I hope you love your art too! Create the perfect mural for your life.

The Moon is still in Aquarius. This week (more than usual) I’ve thought about Yoko Ono. She is an Aquarian. I’m sure that you are aware that this week was the 30th anniversary of the murder of her husband, John Lennon. I am certain that she would have felt this milestone more acutely than anyone else on the planet.

The rest of us mourned the loss of an artist, friend, prophet for peace and love. I cried many times during this week. The sadness enveloped my heart and squeezed the tears from deep within. His passing has touched my soul and I don’t think I can imagine that this pain will ever be healed.

Yoko lost her soul mate and I feel that her soul has been ripped apart irreparably. Ironically, the Aquarian chooses to continue to spread the message of love and peace as a way of healing this wound. Yoko is claiming her art as her art fills the voice in her soul.

A number seven day is a day of reflection and inner journeys. Seek the questions that will fill the void in your souls evolution and purpose – fill the void with your art.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Find your backbone

Your soul’s purpose right now is to be true to yourself and reclaim your personal integrity, no matter how frightening or costly it may be. Honour and express the true feelings regardless of the outcome, and develop the character and courage to face opposition.

It is difficult for me to stand in the face of adversity. I really have to be pushed to enter into conflict – make love not war that is my motto.

Mars and Pluto collaborate to fuel the fire of intention today. Mars can light the fire under the cauldron of metamorphosis.

The Moon winks and seduces these two heavy hitters in Aquarius. She promotes the “give peace a chance” chant.

The day negates the motto: be responsible for your actions. There may be some confusing messages here but can I close with one thought – live your truth.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Be decisive

Your soul’s purpose right now is to make determinations that are aligned with your priorities and then stick to them. Your Higher Self is asking you to choose the kind of life you want – so choose!

This morning I came out of sleep sobbing. Yes I woke up sad. Last night I watched a TV program that must have impacted on my subconscious during sleep. It was a documentary on the US-v-John Lennon.

The program was evocative and disturbing. It revealed the struggle of John and his desire to obtain a green card. Of course it was more than that, it was about acceptance.

The wave of sadness hit when heard the gun shots and the screen went dark. This chilling sound brought an abrupt end to a happy family – loving life and a staunch advocate for peace.

I felt sad for the insane cruelty and the madness of the decision of a man who would destroy this family and rob us for a prophet for peace and love. Why? Why? Why? Tell me why? I am still sad! My heart is still breaking!

Our decisions impact on other people. Make sure that they are decisions that will improve the quality of life and love.

I sign off each column with three words, “peace, love and harmony” because that is a statement or affirmation I desire for today and everyday – I don’t accept anything less.

There is a cosy link between Venus and Pluto under the Capricorn Moon. Make a decision to bring more love to the world. Make this day and everyday a red letter love day! Demonstrate the love that harbours in your heart – share it with your family; your community and the world.

A number five day is a day of changes – change the tide with the force of love. That’s all I have to say except...

Peace, Love and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, December 6, 2010

Build on solid ground

Your soul’s purpose right now is to create a life based on a firm foundation and genuine integrity, not superficial appearances.

There is nothing superficial with the Capricorn Moon. Capricorn is definitely, what you see is what you get, kind of sign. There is a marvellous link between the sun and Saturn today. Capricorn is goal oriented and Saturn the is the task master. So take this goal oriented energy and make your lists and plans for the coming months.

On a numerological scale the day offers a structured approach so building a strong foundation compliments our subconscious lead with our card for the day and combines with the astrological vibe.

There is nowhere to hide – log into the vibe of the day and step up onto the building blocks for the future.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Take a step back

Your soul’s purpose right now is to make your decisions with the sole intention of serving your higher self. Never mind your security of your obligations to others. Serving your spirit will address them for more effectively than your ego ever can, and will also make you secure in your own skin.

This step in our soul’s development aligns perfectly with the New Moon in Sadge today. The New Moon offers a contemplative time to consider our hearts desire and to seed our dreams. Take a moment to regroup and formulate your new strategy.

A number three day is perfect for decisions and communication. This vibrant number three is a host to all things busy and electric. Take a little rattle and hum toward your destiny.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Nurture yourself first

Your soul’s purpose right now is to bring life into balance by raising your sensitivity in a timely and loving way. And when you don’t respond to your own needs first, you don’t have the psychic fuel required to love or assist anyone else in a psychically clear and non manipulative way.

This is an integral developmental stage for your soul especially at this time of year. I met a lady yesterday when I was having my manicure and pedicure (don’t you like the ending of both of these treatments – “cure” – it’s like it’s an indicator that they are sick or ailing – well in some way they look “unwell”).

I digress – anyhow I met this lady who struggled into the salon loaded up with parcels while panting and sighing. Her spirit looked totally depleted

As she sat with her feet soaking in the spa bath then being massaged and primped she flicked through fashion magazines rarely stopping to take a breath.

We met at the nail drying bench and after she flopped down I smiled and said, “Lovely experience, isn’t it?” She replied, “yes, but I’ve got so much to do!”

We all have so much to do and yet it is up to us to look after ourselves and take time to be in the moment and enjoy the experience of being pampered now.

The Moon is in Sadge – she is doing the Zumba up to her new moon phase. Last night I went to a birthday party and as I circulated people asked the usual questions – you know who are you; where do you work and some of them said, “What is your star sign?” I said Scorpio and a couple of them hissed and made the sign of a cross – I thought I was back in the 1970’s – neat if I was! Wouldn’t it b great if we could turn back time with the knowledge gained over those decades?

Wake up Girl and be in the present – it’s a gift!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, December 3, 2010

Make a plan

Your soul’s purpose right now is to take responsibility for your desires by establishing a plan of action to bring them about. It’s time to step away from pure emotion and utilise your logic and objectivity for your own benefit. What present abilities do you bring to your desired outcome? How much time are you willing to devote?

What are your desires? Are you passionate about them? Do you invest a lot of your energy into them? How much intensity is given to them? Remember like attracts like? For us to achieve our desires we must invest lots of focus and energy in that goal.

It’s like someone saying, “Gee I would love to be a long distance runner.” In reality they may be 50 kilos over weight and waddling around. What sort of plans do they have to make? How much adjustment to their lives will they take? What are the contingencies and so on?

Personally, I know that I take my eye off the prize I tend to falter or when I lose that intensity the goal slips through my fingers.

Some people have told me that they want to achieve so much and when I ask what is your plan they become confused. Actually, they breeze each day with nonchalant attitude just hoping that it, “all just falls into place”. And that’s okay – I don’t have a problem with that. If that works for you then fine however my suggestion is that if you desire a certain outcome then make a plan.

The Moon in Scorpio shines a powerful spotlight into every dark crevice of your life. Where do you want to make changes? And what are you willing to do to make them happen?

It’s a 10/1 day with endings and beginnings. Consciously create a benchmark in your mind of what needs to end and consider a strategy of where to from here? Listen to your inner dialogue as an indicator to changes in direction.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Admit your vulnerabilities

Your soul’s purpose right now is to embrace your vulnerability and calmly accept the reality that all of life is absolutely dependent on the loving spirit of the universe.

I think that this stage of the soul’s growth is empowering. I know that may sound counter-intuitive – however let me explain. Most times we seek confidence within ourselves to step calmly throughout our lives.

When we admit our vulnerabilities we honour our human-ness – we give over to the unrealistic concept that we are perfect. This releases a huge burden upon our soul.

It is an unrealistic expectation to be perfect in every way. Some people may excel in some areas and others will be fantastic in different aspects. We all have so much to give and or offer.

When you identify your vulnerabilities acknowledge them and hand them over to the Universe.

The Scorpio Moon imbues the Venus-ruled day with intensity. Scorpio and Sadge are not comfortable bedfellows however there is usually a healthy respect. We all have Scorpio or Sadge and today these houses are highlighted.

There is also a marvellous link between Mars and Chiron today which supports proactive healing potential – soak it up, Babe!

A number nine day raises the bar on empowerment. This numerological milestone reminds us of the importance of cycles of life.

Today marks the end/closure to the course here in Brisbane. Tonight I will fly back to Canberra for the weekend and then on to the next important phase of this course.

Have a brilliant day – I know I will!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Quietly serve

Are you feeling bored, restless, and tired of the “same old, same old?” Are you bogged down with so many daily duties that you see no way to attend to your spiritual interests? Know that you’re undergoing a time of intense personal transformation, when you ego is being confronted by your Higher Self and the Divine to grow into wisdom.

Your soul’s purpose right now is to refine your instincts and temper your immature and self-cantered tendencies in search of a more graceful expression of self.

There have been times in my life when I have felt totally devoid of love – you know when you go through relationship breakdowns and the like. And I have reached out to others less fortunate than me as a way to fill that void. This action reminds me that there are people in the world who are not as blessed as I am. While I am quietly serving others I remember the importance of being part of the human race.

The Moon in Libra adds a dignified elegance to our Jupiter ruled day. Thursday’s ruler is Jupiter is the benefactor of the zodiac. This planet signals a day of growth and expansion.

Mars and Neptune combine to motivate us toward our spiritual path. It’s a healing chapter to meditate, do yoga or tai chi or you can just take a slow and deliberate walk around your surrounding and soak up the beauty of the world we live in.

This beneficial day has an added bonus of the abundant energy of the number eight. Eight energy is excellent for achievement so go out there and finish the week on a high.

Have a totally awesome day! Love one another and feel the joy beam right back at you!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Correct your mistakes

Your soul’s purpose right now is to be open and accountable for your behaviour toward everyone by practicing the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Quickly admit your errors and seek to correct them to the best of your ability without causing further harm to others. Ask your Higher Self for support with this process as you apologise, ask for forgiveness, and make amends. Take action to reverse any damage you’ve done, and mean what you say. Then learn from your experience and let it go, because your karma will be complete.

I think that the final step in this process is important to remember – let it go and don’t carry it around with you – it is tiresome – a waste of energy. We all make mistakes it is important to rectify those errors but also not to continually keep beating yourself up.

The first day of December is a number seven day (1+12+2010= 7). This is the second reflective day of the week. Take time to consider your mistakes and seek to resolve them. Wouldn’t it be nice to clear the Karmic calendar in the run up to the end of 2010.

Astrologically speaking the Moon in Libra and the Sun in Sadge offer a vibrant playground. Mercury moves into Capricorn and snuggles up passionately with Venus in Scorpio. These are harmonious alignments which offer a delightful ambience. This energy stretches from our personal to our business worlds. Embrace the day with the support of the heavens.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, November 29, 2010

Forgive and forget

Your soul’s purpose right now is to develop the self-esteem and self love you must first have to feel and accept help from others. No one can give you these qualities, and no-one can keep them from you either.

Forgive and forget all of those who have hurt you in the past and made you doubt your “lovability”. Realise that hurt and disappointment are part of the human experience. No matter how painful, the real injury was not that someone didn’t cherish you, but that you erroneously believed you didn’t deserve to be loved.

The scales are tipped in favour for this advancement in our soul’s evolution. The Libran moon speaks volumes in justice and fair play. She is now in the seventh house of relationships which is an ideal placement for releasing the past and disentanglement of taunts upon our soul.

A number eight day is the business related space to seek and achieve a higher perspective. The inner sanctum is now searching for a deeper and more profound direction.

It’s not easy to forgive and forget – I know this; I’ve experienced this lesson time and time again. Once you put this ideal into practice and choose to release the bonds of regret it is liberating and empowering.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Seek hidden treasures

Your soul’s purpose right now is to take a deeper look at the present situation and overcome the tendency to judge too quickly and miss what’s really true. Beyond the surface of life lies hidden treasure.

So true, isn’t it? There is always a gem buried deep beneath the daily castings of experience and interactions. I am grateful for every lesson and opportunity to grow.

I had a great weekend – what about you? It is important to have your soul nurtured on those two days at the end of a demanding working week. Now we must get back into the vibe of our sixth house of daily commitments.

There is no better Moon sign than Virgo to re-motivate the work ethic and dedication to our rituals.

A number seven day offers a reflective feel to the day. This opportunity highlights the blessings in our life.

Start excavating for those hidden treasures and have a fabulous day!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Detach from Drama

Your soul’s purpose right now is to recognise, respect and then detach from these chain of events called drama. Accept that you don’t have influence over them, but you do have control over how you respond. The more detached you are, the more peaceful your soul can be.

This is one soul lesson I’ve been working on for years. It’s interesting how differently people view your non-action or non-reaction. Some people have commented that I am a placid push over. Others are surprised when I take up the gauntlet on matters of importance because in their opinion I am sanguine and unflappable.

In this life as an incarnated Scorpio I’ve experienced a gambit of emotions. At times I’ve not deal with them appropriately (from my perspective) and on review have vowed to display them differently in the future. They are lessons and that’s all they are!

Sometimes emotional reaction sneaks up on us and engulfs the situation. It surprises you; pounces on your self-judgement and other times you shrug off the ripples of emotionality with a “so what?”

Some people thrive on drama. I think that some sections of the media exploit drama. Other reporters are dignified and professional. A number six day is the perfect time to refine your responses to the drama around you. Don’t buy in – take a step out and send love and peace to that person or situation.

The Moon in her discerning phase of Virgo has no intention of getting involved in the drama. She insists that we don’t get all messed up over a situation that has no relevance to our happiness.

The Sun in Sadge gallops off into a new horizon – a new chapter – don’t block my exit route to the paddock of “I don’t care!”

Have a brilliant Sunday and live in harmony with one another.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, November 26, 2010

Face your shadow

Your soul’s purpose right now is to take responsibility for the pain and misery that it’s inflicting upon you and others. Your Higher Self is present to keep you from denying your shadow and to help you confront it head on. Whether it’s showing itself in selfishness, jealousy, aggression, abuse, suspicion, insensitivity or manipulation, your shadow is wreaking havoc in your life.

Hands up on anyone who has see/felt their shadow side? I know I have. Own it Girl. While I recognise it and own it I don’t like to linger for too long on the dark side of my personae. I think that is healthy to be aware but not to dwell there for too long.

The moon in flamboyant Leo won’t allow the darkness dim the colours of your soul for too long. Put on your most radiant aura and share your brilliance with the world.

A number five day suggests changing the channel on the old love songs that tear your heart apart. Seek the inspiration of a new tune and dance to the beat of your own drum.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Grieve your losses

Your soul’s purpose right now is to grieve your mistakes fully so that you can learn from the resultant losses.

This is not an easy one for me. I’m not really into grieving. Well, most of the time I analyse and compartmentalise my emotions. As a Scorpio one of my soul’s lessons is to allow grief and loss direct transformation in my life.

For example I had a conversation with a friend last night about a desired outcome in a significant relationship. She wants this relationship to be everlasting (don’t we all?). My advice was to simply live and love in the moment. I know that this is not really want she wanted to hear.

Through my relationships I’ve learned that no matter how much we crave the relationship to be sustainable and everlasting there is still the potential for change in both or either party.

When this change happens one or either person decides to move on. Quite often I intuitively detect this disengagement and begin the grieving process for the loss of the idealistic outcome.

I believe that more often than not the grieving process begins before the official ending has been announced.

Unfortunately for most of my intimate and close associations that I enter into the relationship with idealistic expectations and when I feel that the connection has been broken then the disappointment and recovery process begins.

If the damage cannot be repaired with communication and or re-dedication then I bring this relationship to a close by weighing up my emotional investment. Calculating? Yes I suppose so. Do I work with a full complement of Julia? Maybe – maybe not?

So have I got off track here? Sorry? Now you know why grieving my losses are difficult .

The Moon in Leo is showy and glowy – love that gold rush into the weekend. Give it all you’ve got – Friday. This is a fantastic shinny transition into the weekend so fly with the golden eagle, My Friends.

Before you take off though – check your engines and make sure your seat belts are fastened with the number four day. It is a good day for planning – even if it is just for the weekend events calendar. Prepare for a great time – I am!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Laugh at your demons

Your soul’s purpose right now is to restrain your critical ego and return to the love of your Higher Self. Be aware of every aspect of your life in which you feel stuck and recognise this as only appearance. All things will be solved in time.

It’s not easy to laugh at your demons – to chase away the insecurity of irrational thought and behaviour. I have shared this experience with you although as I grow older and wiser I become more courageous.

The Moon in Cancer focuses on the home and family. We are one month away from Christmas. This is a difficult time of year for a lot of people with major concerns around money, family and commitments collide. Sometimes we get this balance right and come away feeling confident that we have maintained a positive outcome in all areas and other times, not so confident.

Our family has changed the focus of gift giving toward the children. Instead we are making time for each other and giving gifts to children and grandchildren. I feel good about this decision. Instead of a gift with a price tag we are going to give the gift of love.

A number three day encourages communication and short journeys. It’s a good day to make decisions or at least have discussions that will lead into life changes.

On that note, today is a positive mark to consider a strategy to overcome your demons.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

All things in moderation

Your soul’s purpose right now is to follow disciplines that serve your growth, not stifle it. It’s important to exercise self-control, not to be self-denying to the point it robs all the sweetness from your life... or to be so indulgent that your excesses sicken you.

This is the perfect reminder for our soul as we head into the holiday season. From my experience we push ourselves to the point of exhaustion or we become so inactive it seems too far to recovery.

I own this statement and declare that I have to get out of my head and on to my feet. I have fallen into the bad habit of propping up my tiredness with calories instead of movement.

The Moon in her natal house of Cancer is a nurturing transition into the weekend. The Sun in Sadge adds the philosophical flair and encourages us to spread out wings.

An 11/2 day is the Master number to encourage you to move out of your comfort zone and seek a partner who will support you on the next phase of your journey. Ask a friend for support or seek a coach to take you from the excess into a state of moderation.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, November 22, 2010

Revive the dormant

Your soul’s purpose right now is to separate what is dead from the dormant. Bury the deceased and don’t look back with sentimental regret. Then give the inactive all you have in order to revive. It does not matter if it is your art, relationships or health.

I think that this is an important concept for us to consider. This morning as I came out of sleep and flicked on the TV I saw the Backstreet Boys performing for an American TV Awards. It was fantastic to see these guys doing what they love best. Obviously they had revived the dormant dreams of the past.

Their appearance reminded me of the people who put their dreams on hold or to one side to do other things in life. This happens of course – responsibilities with family or other priorities take centre stage and our dreams end up behind the curtain.

My suggestion today is not to give them your full attention but take them out and revive them with one breath at a time. Commit or re-establish the connection to your dreams and or make the decision to let them go. Try not to given the would or should aspects of your life any energy as this robs you on the joy of the moment.

If you are serious about making your dreams come true then make that commitment to reviving them under these positive cosmic influences of the Gemini Moon and the Sagittarius Sun. These two celestial mates are the perfect stage to revive your dreams.

It is a 10/1 day which is the numerological time stamp to end what is no longer working for you and make a fresh start on your new phase. Remember the full moon yesterday – this was a time of resolution and completion. Today is a new day – revive your dreams and put your foot forward in the perfect direction of your destiny.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Be patient

Are present conditions in your life seemingly working against you? Do you find that certain blocked desires or goals are causing you to feel angry and making you want to lash out?

Your soul’s purpose right now is to view all obstacles as indications that you must refine your intentions and efforts and start anew. Rather than lash out at others, ask yourself where you’re forcing your desires before they’re fully developed. Where are you leaping before you look?

This is a wise standpoint for all of us to consider. I know that from a lot of people’s perspective it’s very difficult to be patient when you want things to happen in your life.

In the meantime, enjoy each and every day and strive to be the best person you can be. Relish the simplest pleasures and don’t be afraid to connect with nature as your playground.

Yesterday I flew up from Canberra and while I travelled through the air I was reading a book by Dr. Wayne Dyer, “Excuses, no more”. The trip flew (pardon the pun) as I immersed myself in the intellectual suggestions.

In previous flights I have found myself clock watching – calculating the minutes left in the trip and planning my to do list when I arrived. Being patient and focusing on the present is a gift to us.

Today the Moon is full in Gemini at 3:42am AEST. This event brings the end to the Scorpio Sun phase and announces the Sagittarius month in the Sun.

Speaking of Sun, where is he? Here in Brisbane I’ve woken up to dark skies and rain. I thought that this was the Sunny State.

After our arrival at the apartment I opened up my suitcase and started to unpack. We ventured out to get some supplies for breakfast and find somewhere to eat for dinner. Mission accomplished.

Today we are all setting up the first stage of the course in this State. It should be great fun and lots of knowledge sharing. I am looking forward to the experience – one day at a time.

I’ve decided to explore the City and surrounds. I will get some maps and brochures today and take myself out of my comfort zone. These are all Sagittarian influences. It’s time for fun and adventure – let’s go!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Look forward

Are you being over critical of your past mistakes? Do you think that no matter how hard you try, you’re never doing well enough?

Your soul’s purpose right now is to dismantle this sabotaging voice of your ego and see it for the false self that it is. In truth, you’re a magnificent spirit here on earth that’s come to learn and express your unlimited Divinity.

Looking back in regret doesn’t serve your soul’s growth in any way. No matter what unfolds in your spiritual classroom, you’re discovering exactly what you need to learn in your way and on your own schedule. This isn’t to say that you don’t make mistakes. Of course you do, because that’s how you gain knowledge – that’s the point of the classroom.

Sonia ( ) is a beautiful spirit and what she is telling us here is not only necessary for our growth but life enhancing. If we continue to dwell in the past it is not healthy and we are doing a dis-service to our soul.

Tomorrow morning 3:42am the Moon is full in Taurus. It is a perfect moment to resolve or bring closure to negative thoughts and or behaviours. It is a time to give thanks for the lessons learned and prepare to embrace for the new.

It is a number eight day and I can feel the equilibrium of the day wash over me. I love the number eight and especially number eight days. It is a time for me to relish the divine energy and comfort in the journey between the two circles. I hope you love this day too!

Yesterday was hectic and yet brilliant day for me. I raced out of my home at 10am and visited one of my favourite places on the planet. My hairdresser is the best – I adore her and love to have time with her alone in her salon. She tries to make appointments so that we can enjoy each other’s company and just hang out together. I love the feeling of leaving her magic cauldron with my refreshed style.

After that fabulous appointment I came home and had a quick bite to eat and went to my favourite Libran’s house. We had a girlie afternoon filled with discussions on astrology, health, maintainence for our minds, body and soul. We talked about books and people and touched briefly on future prospects. I was in my glory and in total awe of her generosity. The time we spent together was indescribable and soul nourishing.

This afternoon I fly to Brisbane for two weeks. It is a work assignment and I am really looking forward to meeting new people and enjoying new opportunities and experiences.

As I close this entry today I am considering the lessons learned that will come to a close at the Full Moon tomorrow morning. What about you? Are there any doors that need to be closed?

Have a magical Sunday!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers