Friday, September 16, 2011

Very soon

Saturday 17 September 2011

Sun Virgo

Moon Taurus

What you’re asking for will happen soon in a happy way.

Well, this morning I am about to get on a Qantas jet and fly to UK and Europe for my long awaited holiday. My husband and I have planned this adventure for such a long time but it about to happen – very soon!

My excitement is overflowing as I think about all of the amazing milestones I want to share with you – very soon.

The Taurus Moon is patient, wise and deliberate. Have we packed enough? Too much? Not enough? Well, too late - as my case is closed and standing near the door ready for our exit this morning.

A number three day is a short journeys day – for some people perhaps – well I guess you can say that the trip to the airport will be relatively short. For us, it will be on to Sydney and then… you will have to read my next column to find out.

I’m sure that you’ve realised that this is a magical mystery tour – step right this way. You’ll find where and when – very soon!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, September 15, 2011

It’s okay to be different

Friday 16 September 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Taurus

You don’t need to be like everyone else. You are perfect just the way you are!

This morning I was woken up around 2:30am to 20 – 30 with my house shuddering. Apparently a chemical factory in a near-by suburb caught fire and lots of chemicals reacted and exploded. There is black smoke spilling over my morning sky – I think that there is a touch of chaos in the wind.

The Sun and Moon are in earth signs. The Sun in Virgo and the Moon is now in Taurus. These grounded elements will keep us focused and practical in our solutions to navigate the chaos of my community.

Taurus is ruled by planet of love and plenty, Venus. So it might be nice to threat yourself to something lovely.

Did you all feel the gush of love from Venus and Jupiter yesterday? Did you going around kissing everything in sight? I’m sure you didn’t happen however this connect was certainly very magical.

A number two day is filled with cooperation and harmony so be nice to one another out there guys!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thursday 15 September 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Aries

You’ll only know that you can do something if you try!

I suppose that this card should have presented before “practice”. Conversely, if we are determined to grow and stretch ourselves then try something new. Once you are competent then step up – turn right and move to a new adventure.

A 10/1 day is a perfect indicator for endings and beginnings. The number one energy is encouraging for new starts and trying something new.

The Aries Moon is fading as we come to the end of another working week. She is still impetuous and proud – ready to take on new challenges or adventures. I’m up for it; what about you?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers


Wednesday 14 September 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Aries

The best way to be good at a skill is to practice; practice; practice until you get it right.

I think that as we get older we seem to loose confidence or we become little resistant to trying something new. I’ve even found that I get a little stuck in my comfort zone, daily rituals or standard operating procedures.

Fortunately, my Gemini Moon nudges me out into the “unknown” the curious zone of “what if?” Then I move to a new space and push myself beyond my limits. In do this I become conscious competent – and this is only achieved by lots and lots of practice.

The Aires Moon highlights the boldness in our character. Hello in there! Is there a little adventure on the horizon? I’m sure that there is – come out; come out; wherever you are – you rascally little rascal.

A number nine day is perfect for counting your achievements – if you are not happy with your status then practice; practice; practice.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Tuesday 13 September 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Aries

Draw, paint, think and act in creative ways.

We all have the potential to be creative. It is a part of our DNA. To be honest if I could place in this strand of my DNA all day I would be one happy girl.

A number eight day reminds us that balance is the key to a successful life. So if you’ve been working too hard then get out and paint, play or sing your day away.

Last night the Full Moon climaxed in the mystical sign of Pisces; today we start with a fresh perspective. It is the official beginning to the astrological sign with an Aries Moon leading the way. WE can all rejoice with a fresh start for the soul. How about a new creative adventure?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, September 12, 2011

You’ll know in the morning

Monday 12 Sep. 11

Sun Virgo
Full Moon Pisces

When you wake up, you’ll have a better idea about what to do. Relax until then.

Sometimes at the end of the day when making a decision seems difficult I send a request to my guides and angels and ask them to give me the answer in the morning. The answer comes to me when I wake or as I am going about my day. If we give our concerns, problems or difficult decisions over to spirit they always come though with the appropriate response or direction. It is up to us to be aware and follow the breadcrumbs.

The full Moon is a time of conclusion – resolution – it is a lunar milestone for releasing what is not working for you. Stop swimming against the tide – if it is too hard then let it go. If it is snug and feels right then hold on tight.

Monday is a Moon-day and it is always difficult to get back to work and make a difference. Although the Sun is in Virgo right now and this solar phase will give us a tiny shunt of dedication – get up and get into it!

A number seven day supports your desire to seek the spiritual aspects for your life. There is so much more to us than the tangible or physical. There are deep mysterious to be explored and magical adventures to discover – perhaps we will meet each other out there on the rim of our collective imagination?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, September 9, 2011


Saturday 10 Sep. 11

Sun Virgo
Moon Aquarius

You have a special bond with a grandparent that can never be broken.

I have a special bond with both my maternal grandparents. They are in spirit now but I am very connected to them. They lovingly guide me; watch over me and inspire me to continuously strive toward my goals. I am truly blessed.

The Sun in Virgo is a stabilising force to the airy influence of the Aquarius Moon. I adore the Moon in her 11th house of Aquarius as she resonates so exquisitely with my Gemini Moon.

This weekend is a short burst to Sydney. We are racing up the Hume Highway to catch up with family - lots of fun, hugs and smiles.

A number five day is an opportunity for changes and movement. If you’ve been in a rut then pick yourself up; twirl around and throw yourself on the ground. Get up again and look at where you’ve landed. Is a new location? Do you have a different perspective? If that is the case, take a step to the left and a jump to the right – do the pelvic thrust and wow – you are here – exactly where you are meant to be on a changeling day.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Happy thoughts

Friday 9 September 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Aquarius

I feel happier right now, think about a memory or something else that makes you smile.

Are you in a good place? I hope so! I really hope that you can smile and or make a difference to someone else’s day. Turn a frown into a smile – it is extremely rewarding.

I am up early this morning to attend a Five Countries Conference. This conference will be facilitated by telephone. It is a professional hook-up with like-minded professionals – interesting sharing ideas, concepts, wins and lessons learned.

The Uranian influence is encouraging for this networking on a global level. These professionals all share my passion for adult education and it is a fabulous forum. What a great way to start a brilliant working day?

A 22/4 Master number day holds the potential for rapid learning. Connect with other professionals be prepared to become the student. Your vocation should be your vacation. Enjoy the wisdom of another person’s curriculum.

Have a happy day!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers


Thursday 8 September 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Aquarius

Drink more water, and eat foods with water in them, such as fresh fruit and vegetables.

This is great advice don’t you think? I drink 2-3 litres of water a day – whether they are hot or cold glasses – it doesn’t matter – it is all a part of my daily cleanse routine.

The rain has come to the territory. This event has been a welcome arrival. The Gods have blessed us with the fresh nectar from the skies. My garden looks perky – nourished and nurtured. The atmosphere feels rejuvenated and vibrant – gotta love the water!

The Moon is in the sign of the water bearer this morning. Aquarius is not a water sign – it is an air sign. Aquarius sits eloquently in the 11th house of friends and associations. It is time to connect – to network and make the most of this Uranian influence – the web that supports our lives.

A number three day is a mental gymnastics day – there is a lot of busy-ness on the highway of our mind. Communication flows like a babbling brook. Short journeys will take you around each and every nook.

Have a magical watery day!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Jar of Jems Sept 2011

Dearest Jems,
“Springtime thoughts Down Under”

Yesterday I sat and become transfixed on my vase of daffodils. I had just been to the garden and thought that I would love to bring the yellow and bright orange energy into my home. I sat there in wonder for just a moment and gazing at the exquisitely delicate blooms. They are perfect. It is like looking at a magic array of tall sunbeams standing proudly in a moment of stillness.

I thought about their long journey from deep within the earth and how they forced their way through the darkness with their desire to be seen. I considered their brilliance and determination in striving toward their true purpose of sharing their unique beauty and elegance in a moment in time.

Then I considered our journey and as humans we go through very similar phases. This is captured by the days of deep dark plummeting into the depths of our soul and eventually emerging with a renewed sense of purpose; catapulting our alchemy from bulb to bloom.

In truth, I’ve never been an avid gardener. Honestly Jems, I have never wanted to take the time to cultivate the earth or wait for Spring to reveal in the reward for my labour. I guess my life has been far too hectic or I’ve not taken the time to work with nature in such an intimate way.

Now, I have such joy from the miracle of my garden. Canberra seasons offer such harshness with our relationship with the garden. From icy frosts and dry hot summers it is difficult to get anything to grow let alone bloom and flourish. I suppose that is the attraction for me – if it was easy then I wouldn’t be so keen to make it happen? This conviction to make something grow demonstrates (for me) the poignancy of transformation.

September is spring time in Oz. I am impatient for the warmer weather and lighter months. The dark curtain of winter is slowly drawing back to reveal the magnificence and promise of spring 2011.

So Jems, how does your garden grow? Are you preparing for the winter snow? I look forward to your account of Fall in Vermont – a time that brings amber glows and flashing red memories of colour and magic.

As always I am beaming you brilliant rays of warm September joy – my Friend.

Love and Peace,

Friendly Autumnal Greetings From Far to Jar!

Your letter was beautiful – it brought to me a warm recollection of springtime, and the flash of a pleasant distant memory- just as our days are beginning to cool off. When I arise in the now darker morning, I have to wrap myself up to keep out the chill. But I do so enjoy this season – I can’t complain – there is something about autumn that wakes up my senses and opens my mind.

This season is bittersweet to me. I love the foliage and its technicolor display, the abundance of summer’s harvest patiently waiting to be gathered and stored, and the coolness of the air as it carries the aromas of the views we behold. But then I realize -- that what I am looking at, inhaling, touching, and sensing -- is the decline and decay, the process of death and rebirth. There is such exquisite beauty, as we dance to the end of one cycle, and prepare to begin a new one.

I marvel at how this season is reflecting my own life – and how this is a time of letting go. As I watch the trees dry out, the grasses fade, and the flowers wither, it is more than apparent that time passes by way too swiftly. I take stock of what I have in my life, and also whom.
In the winter of his life, my father has not been too well, but his cheerful Gemini attitude constantly expresses the power of spring, with its hope and brightness that lifts the heart and spirit. Watching him has initiated the dispersal of fear and opened the floodgates of increased faith in the unknown. He is still teaching me ~ this time it is how to get old and let go gracefully.

Each season has its own expression of beauty, even the dark, cold winter – there is something very comforting about sealing ourselves up in the warmth of a cozy home and waiting out the storms. It is a meditative time, and there is joy in finding that peace and serenity that comes with the silence. I look forward to that time.

I love how you are in your season of lifting up, and I am in the equal and opposite season of descending. In a few short months we will be at this place again, waving hello as we pass each other on our way to a new, reversed cycle. I wish you a glorious springtime – let the gift of sun shine into your heart every day, and remind you of that beautiful light that shines out of your soul.

Happiness always,

Family Culture

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Capricorn

Learn more about your family’s culture – stories and history are important.

A number two day is a partnership day. And a Capricorn Moon highlights the importance of this facet of our lives. Focus on your significant partners – who is important and why. Don’t forget your family connections – they are the glue that holds us together!

The roots run deep on the family tree. Attitudes, health, relationships, ethics and values are the branches that balance the foliage of our future. Some of us are entwined in these genealogical beginnings others shed the leaves and drift off in different directions. What kind of leaf are you?

In my adult life I’ve learned a great deal about my family culture. I’ve explored the history and culture of my family. It has been an interesting expedition with revealing discoveries. Some of them are relevant for this life and others are existential ah ha’s.

For me, family culture is a significant thread that weaves throughout my personal tapestry. What about you – how do you feel about your culture or history?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Tuesday 6 September 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Capricorn

When you share, everyone feels happy!

During my working life I’ve experienced some people who would most appropriately fit under the title of “micro-managers”. I’ve often looked at them with a degree of pity – mainly because I’ve felt that they were insecure. I guess that this feeling was based on the premise that they had to be “indispensible”. One other important lesson I’ve learned over my career is that no-one is indispensible. Although, I would like to quickly add – some people have been difficult to replace.

Work and health are uppermost on my mind at the moment with the Sun in Virgo. The Moon moves into ambitious Capricorn so this could play out in one of two ways: one – incredible focus with achievement or two – watch out as the stampede is about to hit – your job is in jeopardy so put on your armour and hunker down.

A 10/1 day brings the end to another cycle. With every ending there is always a bright shinny new beginning. If you are a micro-manager let it go and allow others to shine share the load and everyone will feel validated.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, September 5, 2011

Love heals fear

Happy birthday Mum!

Monday 5 September 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Sadge

The power of your love can help bullies and angry people to be less afraid.

The Sadge Moon adjusts our courage button. It is great to step outside your comfort zone to test your own boundaries.

A number nine day offers a light bulb moment. This is the epiphany at the end of a significant cycle of learning. We are coming to the end of the cycle and need to prepare for the new phase – what will you will you do differently? It’s time to consider a new way of creating your wish list or at least overcoming your fears.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Sunday 4 September 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Sagittarius

Yes what you’re asking about is the truth.

Sunday morning is always a treat for me! I love the lolling about – creative thinking and planning a day when the schedule is totally focused around what I would like to do. That includes socialising, relaxing and getting on with the healthy life commitment.

This morning however I feel a little bloated. I had a fantastic dinner last night with some wonderful long term friends. The meal was delightfully sinful and was splashed down with a few glasses of wine.

Now I feel sluggish and ready to move the body. I am off to the gym to bring the zeal back into my spirit and get the body back to her vivaciousness. I want to feel vibrant and alive – true!

This is the beauty of Sunday morning. Wake up sluggish – move your body to the music with other motivated goddesses and wow you are back in the vixen lane.

Talk about motivated! The Sadge Moon will get your going. Last night at dinner we all spoke about our future plans around overseas travel. Australians are such explorers, aren’t we? These are the perfect topics of conversation for the Sadge Moon.

A number eight day is all about balance and achievement. I guess that is my exit strategy – get up – get moving. I have so many tasks on my ‘to do’ list today. I can’t afford to linger any longer – true?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, September 2, 2011

Talk about your feelings

Friday 2 September 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Scorpio

Tell a friend how you feel.

Do I have to? Yes you do! It is healthy and you never know what you might find out about yourself or your friend.

The Scorpio Moon makes it easy to talk about your feelings today. This Moon phase is all about oceans of emotions. You may not get the verbal cues (Scorpio can be rather silent with words) but I can assure you that the non-verbal messages will come through loud and clear.

The Sun in Virgo will bring a stabilising rudder to this emotionally charged climate.

On the numerological front a number six day reminds us that it is commitment and responsibility we need to focus on. Be kind to yourself and love one another.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Harlequin's Haven September 2011

Greetings Cosmic Cousins,

I am writing this month’s journal in the warm glow of my new Himalayan salt lamp. There are so many health benefits for this addition to my study I thought that I would share them with you: I purchased mine in August and it is absolutely awesome. I am not sure about the health benefits at this stage but what I can say is that it gives my office a warm golden glow that is enchanting.

The Sun moved into Virgo in late August. We are now in the Virgo Sun Phase. Virgo is the sixth house of our horoscope. This is the house where daily rituals, work and health are most prominent.

Virgo is an earth sign. Virgo people are usually very helpful and like order and quite often can move into perfectionism without too much effort. They are excellent participants in work projects as they like structured routines. Quite often Virgos gravitate to the healing vocations as they are very interested in diet and exercise.

Our lunar influences for September begin with a Full Moon in Pisces on 12 September, 7:26pm AEST 20 degrees Pisces. This dreamy Pisces Full Moon offers a chance to escape reality and dip your toes into the waters of imagination. The details of day to day living take a back seat as the veil between this world and the next thins. Your intuition and sixth sense hold the key to current concerns, so take time away from day-to-day responsibilities to meditate, soak in a bath or generally catch up with yourself. Venus/Mars link helps bring the pizzazz back into your life, offering the potential for more fun and love.

September 27 there is a New Moon in Libra at 9:08pm AEST. Some of the indecisiveness typical under a Libra New Moon is given the heave-ho by confident Mars, who makes a supportive sextile link to the New Moon. It’s possible to push forward with personal plans while still keeping the peace – all that’s required is a little negotiation. Mercury, also in Libra, provides diplomacy and tact, and if you’re open/willing to work with others, you dreams might be one step closer to reality. A positive Venus/Saturn link shortly after this New Moon shows that a new cycle in mature and conscious relating is possible. Boundaries can create more affection – try it and see!

The Moon is perfect for planting wishes/intentions with the Universe. Key themes for this New Moon are:

• Marriage
• Negotiation skills
• Harmony
• Teamwork
• Sociability/diplomacy
• Refinement
• Healing
• Codependecy
• Peace
• Beauty
• Art
• Decorations

As you can see this is a very civilised and elegant phase – enjoy!

September is a number nine month which offers peace, harmony and a bringing together of situations, people or information. It may not seem very comfortable in the short term, but the long-term effects of this month rid you of exhausting, time wasting and draining patterns.

This month we move into the suit of Pentacles in our tarot journey. The Ace is always the beginning of each suit. On a divinatory level, the Ace of Pentacles augurs the possibility of material achievement, because the raw energy for this kind of work is now available to the individual. Often money is made available through a legacy or some other source, coupled with the ingenuity and persistence to utilise these resources effectively.

Whale is the animal totem for September. Whale is the record keeper. Whale is very much like a swimming library. Whale medicine teaches us to use the sounds and frequencies that balance the emotional bodies and heal our physical forms.

Tap into the library of the great whale. And allow yourself to be sun to by those who have the original language. We are the only creatures who do not have our own unique cry or call. Find yours. Allow your voice to use this sound to release tension or emotion. What signals a time of finding your origins, of seeing your overall destiny coded in your DNA, and of find the sounds that will release those records. You may never be the same again.

Lady of the Beasts is the Goddess for September. She represents relationship. Lady of the Beasts walks slowly and serenely into your life to tell you it is time to focus on creating supportive and nurturing relationships. Relating to others enables you to look at parts of yourself that you don’t ordinarily see. Relationships are like the mirrors in which you can see who you are really are. Wholeness is nourished when you see who you really are, accept what you see, and strive to heal what needs to be healed.

When Virgo wears the mask of service, it can disguise a more ambitious or outgoing Sun sign. This mask gives Virgo dedication to the tasks, but it may conceal your true talents. Virgos creativity may also be blocked by more pragmatic calls on their time. We all have Virgo in our chart and more importantly in this Virgo Sun phase the Virgo energy is strong. This is why I’ve chosen Blue Tourmaline as our crystal for September 2011.

Blue Tourmaline ensures that we reach our potential, promoting taking responsibility for you as well as appropriate others. Blue Tourmaline activates the throat and third eye charkra and stimulates the urge for spiritual freedom and clarity of self-expression. This colour aids psychic awareness, promotes visions, and opens the way for service to others, encouraging fidelity, ethics, tolerance, and a love of truth. It carries the ray of peace and dissolves sadness and blocked feelings, brings them up gently to the surface to be healed and dissipated, and assists in developing an inner sense of responsibility. This stone promotes living in harmony with the environment. It is an excellent stone for healers, as it prevents negativity from sticking.

This is my recommendation for September and it sounds just about perfect for our September 2011 adventure.

Take care of you and be the best you can be!

Love and Peace,



Thursday 1 September 2011

Sun in Virgo
Moon in Libra

Welcome to Spring in Oz!

The changes you are going through are positive.

What do you need to change about yourself or anyone else to have the relationship you desire? Change is in the air in Australia. It is the first day of spring. This is a keynote in our seasonal shifts. There is a light and lovely feeling which will filter down to us here on earth.

The Moon in Libra offers balance and harmony. If you’ve felt out of balance recently then it is time to recalibrate with this congenial moon phase.

The Sun and Jupiter are adding a tincture of elegance and poise so it should be a civilised day all round.

A number five day continues the change theme. This is a numerological support to change our spots.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Believe in yourself

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Libra

See yourself doing well and you will.

This is a fantastic affirmation. To believe in you is so important especially during relationship oriented days when the Moon is in Libra.

Relationships are important – whether they are with you, partners – personal or professional. The Moon in the seventh house highlights this strand of human existence.

A number seven day suggests a spiritual journey of self reflection. Take the journey inward – meditate and go to a safe place – peak inside and see what your unedited subconscious is trying to reveal. Be aloe with your thoughts – it is a potent time for creation.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Worth waiting for

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Virgo

Your patience will be rewarded.

The Moon and Sun are in Virgo. This is a lovely balanced alignment. There is also a harmonious link between Venus and Jupiter. This alignment bodes well for us mere motals here on earth. Venus influences love and money and Jupiter is the cosmic benefactor. So as you can see, it’s all about the good things in life.

A number six day in the numerological cycle is a milestone for commitment and responsibility. Reconnect with the contract you signed up for when you decided to return to earth to follow your destiny.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Sunday 28 August 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Leo

You have the power to help ad heal others.

This is an important milestone on our personal alchemy. It is a realisation marker that we all have the ability to heal others. On the other side of that, we have the ability to hurt too.

I believe that a smile or a small gift of intention such as, “thank you; you’re welcome; you are a beautiful person” can change someone’s day/life.

Some healers have documents on their wall. Others hold doctorates in the soul. It doesn’t matter where you sit on this level of experience and or recognition the important message rests with your energy of intention. The power of intention must be based purely on the premise of healing others based on love.

We have a lovely New Moon tomorrow at 1:04pm AEST, in Virgo. This lunar event is a fertile time to plant seeds (thoughts, wishes, intentions) in relation to the Virgo aspects of our lives (see: ).

Today the Moon is in flamboyant and glorious Leo – so bask in the glamorous colours of change and beauty. Why don’t you wriggle your hips in celebration? Perhaps you could do a little samba as you walk down the street. No one would mind, I’m sure.

We have the potential to change aspects of our lives this week. Last week was a hard and fast pressure cooker experience – we learned a lot about ourselves. Change is relevant to our growth; moving forward; shedding; embedded; consolidating. In a number four day it is wise to plan the next phase. Be deliberate in your change actions and you will assure of a positive outcome.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, August 26, 2011


Saturday 27 August 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Leo

See the light within yourself and everyone else.

Light and love are two important ingredients in humanity. When we see the light within ourselves we allow this brilliance to shine brightly in the world. In turn the radiance of love and humanity is mirrored back to us.

The Sun in Virgo encourages us to face the facts. What is and what is not “real” in our lives.

A New Moon in Virgo on Monday supports a gentle make-over. The Sun and Pluto add an extra oomph to this transformation.

Speaking about oomph, the Moon in Leo is a beautiful source of creative energy. I adore the Leo energy and seem to attract it into my journey in this earth school. Perhaps this phenomenon is based on the fact that I lack a lot of fire in my natal chart (mainly water and air with a smattering of earth).

A number three day is brilliant for a “light” show. Shine your light into the world and spread the word of love and peace.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Relax – everything is okay

Sun Virgo
Moon Cancer

Don’t worry everything is going to be fine.

This is a nice thought as we end another busy week. There have been lots to do and working with the Mars-v-Saturn cranky pants alignment has left some of feeling a little punch drunk. So before the Moon moves into Leo on the weekend, take a breath and go with the flow.

A number two day highlights the importance of partnerships. What do we need to do to get along? How are our significant relationships? Are they in a good state? Or, do we need to put more effort in on them? Do we need to communicate more clearly about our desires? Or should we just go with the flow? Go with the flow wins hands down in my book!

Put on your favourite song and groove out the working week – I know that is what I will be doing!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hello and Goodbye

Thursday 25 August 2011
Sun Virgo
Moon Cancer

You’ll soon see that this change will make things better.

Mercury ends his current retrograde cycle today. He is currently in Leo and we are encouraged to have bold and confident discussions.

The Sun in Virgo is details oriented and focused on the tasks and duties that relate to our daily working life. This is a perfect time for a diet overhaul or to investigate a new job.

The key message of our card today is echoed in this stage of the numerological cycle. It is a 10/1 day. The 10/1 vibration is time to end a situation that is no longer serving your current phase of personal growth. And immediately begin a positive new direction. This is a powerful turning point.

I’m ready – are you?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Wednesday 24 August 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Cancer

Put your energy into the basics, and let go of excess.

Our sixth house of work and health equates to daily rituals. This is the showcase for our Virgo Sun phase. The Sun moved into Virgo yesterday while I was working in Adelaide. This healthy Sun phase is an opportune time to get your health and wellbeing in order.

The Moon in Cancer is very nurturing. She is at home in her natal surroundings. This Moon phase enhances our emotions and raises our awareness to how we feed our emotions as well as highlights the importance of socialising around food.

A number nine day is a footprint of empowerment – lessons learned and confidence gained is reinforced from our recent daily numerological cycle; access this knowledge and awareness to make a positive impact on your path.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Sunday 21 August 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Taurus

Run, walk, swim or otherwise move your body. This will give you more energy and happiness.

Recently I joined a ladies gym – Fernwood. At first my visits were an inconvenience to my busy schedule. I knew I had to go – I made a financial commitment to go – for all the right reasons. You know health, well-being and ultimately toning the temple.

Quite often, I would find it difficult in my busy schedule to make time for me. Over the past few weeks however something has shifted within me and I am driven to go – making these visits a priority – setting limits and goals and pushing past my own times and weights. Now, with the Sun in Leo I am encouraged to look “glam” and be the best groomed woman I can be!

The Moon in Taurus is supportive of self-care. I guess my regimen is a little bull-at-a-gate at the moment. A number six day tempers that obsessive behaviour and yet reminds me of the commitment I’ve made to turn my fitness levels around.

See you in the fresh air or at your fav. gym!

I’m off to Adelaide for work so I will catch up with you on Wednesday. The Sun moves into Virgo on the 23rd August which will be a celestial invitation to focus on our wellbeing.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, August 19, 2011


Saturday 20 August 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Taurus

Think about the things you feel grateful for.

Gratitude and thankfulness go hand in hand. This sentiment is consistently woven though my daily thoughts and conversations.

The Moon in Taurus encourages us to be practical and considered. And yet Taurus is ruled by Venus planet of love and money. So this influence takes us down the path of indulgence and nurturing. There are many things I am thankful for and one of those is that I prioritise my needs – e.g. self-care. This nurturing process demonstrates respect and love for me. I hope you can boast the same gratitude for yourself.

A number five day turns us around. Quite often we have a change of heart about the direction and or next steps in our journey. Or someone may intervene and distract us. Whatever the intervention, it is a great time to go with the flow.

Speaking of thankful and grateful – I am grateful for you in my life!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Love from your parents

Friday 19 August 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Taurus

No matter what, your mother and father love you as much as they can.

A number four day is perfect for laying foundations or excavating for a new road toward relationship recovery. Loving your parents may not be easy in some circumstances.

We may feel hurt, disappointed, let down or even abandoned from childhood situations.

While this is true in many circumstances I’ve learned that our parents have done the best they could; we did the best we could and our children are doing the best they can.

It’s an ongoing cycle and this never ending cycle must be perpetuated by love and forgiveness.

The Moon in Taurus adds a lovely practical flavour to the last day of the working week. I’m not sure about your week but mine has been pretty emotional. So a lovely pragmatic segue into the weekend is perfect for an elegant exit.

Be kind to yourself and spread the word – and the word is love!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

You are gifted

Thursday 18 August 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Aries

You are intelligent and talented.

Imagine if you were told this every day of your life? Imagine if you were respected, honoured and adored by someone who you respected and adored?

My question is, “if not, why not?” I believe that we all are intelligent and uniquely talented. That we all have gifts to offer and share with the world, everyday in every way!

The Sun in Leo shines a glorious light on those gifts. The Moon in Aries dusts off the disappointment of not being able to use them in certain situations. They never fade, by the way. They are just filed away until an appropriate opportunity surfaces.

A number three day offers a megaphone to spread the word in no uncertain way!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Wednesday 17 August 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Aries

You love and understand animals.

Who doesn’t love animals? Well, I certainly do! I have a deep love of all animals – not just domestic creatures but the wild beasts are up there too! As I get older I seem to watch more and more animal documentaries and marvel in the beauty and magnificence of the animal kingdom. I love their energy and adore the joy they bring to our lives.

Talk about energy and grace of the animal kingdom – the Sun in Leo (the lion) is complimented by the Aries (ram) Moon. Today marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle. Aries takes us back to the beginning of the horoscope – its time to start again with your intentions – recommit in this illustrious number two day.

The Sun and Mercury align magnificently for prime time to communicate. It is a good day to revisit or renegotiate. Think about what you are going to say before you speak as Mercury is still retrograde.

What message do you want to convey? Be careful with your tone and delivery. Mercury is retrograde until 25 August so take it easy.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Let go of stress

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Pisces

Don’t take on other people’s stress. Breathe it out now.

We are about to step into the magical realm of Unicorns. These forty four oracle cards are the creation of Dr. Doreen Virtue. I met Dr. Virtue when I became an Angel Intuitive practitioner. Dr. Virtue is glorious. Her inner beauty and wisdom is magnetic and beguiling. The Unicorn cards are one of the many decks I have acquired over the years. I hope you enjoy this magical Unicorn ride?

All of these cards have positive messages that you can trust, because the Unicorns want to help you feel happy, safe and loved. They also want your wishes to come true (just like I do!).

I think that this message is a wonderful start to our journey with the suggestion to, “let go of stress!” Let’s connect synchronously with the help of the Neptunian Moon in Pisces and breathe out the stress of life together? 1-2-3 breathe!

The Moon in Pisces is perfect from dreaming up a storm. This romantic and visionary sign is a lovely space after the hectic and confronting Mar and Pluto alignment last week. Enjoy!

Time to start a new cycle with a 10/1 day; we are at the beginning of a fresh new phase. What we plant now will take on a significant shape as we craft our elegant master piece.

The Sun and Venus are forming a marvellous link today. Beauty poise and love are all on the agenda.

Did I mention the Moon in Pisces? Time to connect with our inner poet – allow your inner minstrel emerge and dazzle your audience.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, August 15, 2011

I touch my spirit

Monday 15 August 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Pisces

When I touch my spirit I touch the source of abounded affluence. I recognise that I am infinitely abundant.

This card brings us to the end of the Deepak Chopra Success Oracle deck. Today I considered which transit lounge we will meet in for future expeditions. I’ve decided on a mystical route for our next trek; one which will take us into a golden realm of magic and prophecy. These twelfth house meanderings have been induced by the influence of the Moon in Pisces.

Monday is Moon-Day. The Moon is significant in our lives. The Moon governs our emotions and how we socialise. There is a lot to be said not only for our natal Moon signs but also the sign the Moon is in each day.

We’ve just experienced a Full Moon in Aquarius and in the lead up to the New Moon later in August it is time to consider what needs to be released from our lives. This cycle highlights the importance of shedding outworn behaviours and attitudes preparing us for the new phase of growth.

A number nine day is renowned for its sense of accomplishment and empowerment. We have endured another module of learn and now we prepare for the next lesson.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, August 13, 2011

My life is full of possibilities

Sunday 14 August 2011

Sun Leo
Full Moon Aquarius
Moon into Pisces

I know I can manifest anything I want in my life when I recognise that life is full of possibilities.

This is a fantastic reminder that our lives are laced with infinite possibilities. Today the Full Moon influences our motivation to let go of attitudes or behaviours that are preventing us from reaching toward those possibilities.

What is it that still lingers out beyond the horizon? What are you reaching for but still can’t touch? What vision is like a mirage –something that glimmers at the oasis but when you get there it vanishes before you can experience it?

Think about what is blocking you from basking in the mirage – the dream you desire. Are you falling for the trap of short term impulses instead of long term gratification? At times we all want a quick fix but life is a doctorate. In that there are many long hard lonely hours to reach a theory that may or may not work for you. It is hard work but when you graduate the feeling is liberating.

The Full Moon in Aquarius brings a light bulb moment to our thesis. Spread your mind across the world and connect with your inner inventor. Ingenious or innovative solutions will come to you when you remove the dross from your life.

A number eight day is perfect for the executive decision on what is relevant or not in your PhD in life lessons.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, August 12, 2011

My destiny is flexible

Saturday 13 August 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Aquarius

I can control my destiny by choosing freedom every moment of the day.

This Saturday the Moon is in Aquarius. She is ripe and on the verge of reaching her climatic phase.

I see this as a resolution to the intensity, passion and drama that we’ve experienced over the recent Mars and Pluto alignment. These planets will meet up again of course – let’s hope it is much more polite exchange next time?

Tomorrow morning 4:57am AEST the Moon will be full in Aquarius. This stage focuses our attention toward the global community, networking and humanitarian pursuits. I like to call this house the, “Yoko Ono” House.

As a transformational counsellor/astrologer I give the astrology houses, planets and sometimes numerological phases the personal touch. In that view, I align a famous person or event to the house/planet as a way of “personalising” the zodiac. Similarly, the cosmos is as diverse and complicated as we are as intriguing beings so it is a complex and every changing philosophy.

A number seven day layers the spiritual quest to this diversity. I believe that as human beings we are constantly in pursuit of the Holy Grail. This intangible conquest is an inherent part of us – for me it is the source of truth and wisdom I seek with each breath I take.

For me this quest is life changing and while I map out my destiny and plant my seeds of intention I remain flexible – choosing to go with the tide of the universal flow.

Until tomorrow, I will adorn my armour and mount my white stead I am off in search of myself!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

I nurture gratitude

Friday 12 August 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Aquarius

When I express gratitude for what I have in life, I learn not to take things for granted.

I love this affirmation. I have been such a gratitude junkie over the past few years. Even when times are tough I’ve taken those incredible disappointments to consider how fortunate I am. I give thanks for the blessings in my life. This process keeps me focused on what blessings I already have – how rich and potent my current phase is – this prevents me from “desiring” more or filling the void of disappointment up with unnecessary possessions or “love substitutes” like food etc.

Times are tough right now – economically, emotionally and in some cases, physically. When we are grateful for what we have it creates a landmark of realisation in our journey that we have all that we need – right here; right now. This acknowledgement creates a powerful force of positive energy which vibrates out into our life. We are at the vortex of change – see it; feel it and ensure that it is a positive force.

The Moon moves into the eleventh house on her trek around the zodiac. The Aquarian Moon is a doorway to humanity and our fellow citizens in the global village.

Take the essence of this number six day and be a responsible change-agent – offer love and support to your brother or sister – make a difference in someone’s life with a smile or a genuine word of love and peace.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Good luck is with me

Thursday 11 August 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Capricorn

Good luck happens when an opportunity presents itself, and I meet it with preparedness.

A number five day is perfect for changing direction – if you are not happy travelling down your current path then put your blinker (indicator) on and change lanes.

The Mars-v-Pluto clash is still in play. The theory of “as above – so below” informs us that arguments are fuelled by anger and power plays

Maintain your focus and determination to achieve – believe that alignments like these are prerequisites to transformation.

The Capricorn Moon is grounding. Don’t wallow for too long in the quagmire of discontent. If “it” is not working for you then change your direction – or at the very least – make a plan.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I pay attention to the events and details that are out of the ordinary – that is, seemingly coincidental

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Capricorn

Life is littered with clues to guide me, through life - when I pay attention to the “out of the ordinary” events, I open up to life’s magic.

Out of the chaos and darkness of today’s forceful and powerful energies pure magic will emerge – I promise.

Mars and Pluto (my co-rulers) are in a hard angle over the next two days. This is not an easy alignment to deal with. I like to view it as a diamond in the making moment (even though it will potentially last for days – not years).

When you have two warrior planets at logger heads the pressure will build and become intense. Out of these fierce moments of pressure the diamond will be created – or you will find the pure magic in your life.

At this moment I am thinking of and sending love and light into the darkness in London. My first glance into the darkness is horror. I don’t see the light and the possibilities for change or enlightenment. I feel sad – incredibly sad. This event is typical of the Mars and Pluto war (even though it erupted a few days before this situation – the potential was there – brewing away).

This horrific situation and the damage and chaos is sickening. As global citizens we all feel it – the anger and destruction. I feel dismal in the midst of the blackness. One aspect of this that frightens me is that these young people are creating an immense karmic load. You cannot walk away from this without a soul debt.

The philosopher within me counsels and reminds me that the truth will be revealed in good time. Breathe and allow the events to reveal the diamond in the future. I acknowledge this wisdom and send London love and peace in the warmth of my confidence that humanity and understanding will emerge.

The Moon in Capricorn maintains our focus on reaching the top of the mountain. We want to overcome. We need to believe that the end is near. We are unrelenting in our pursuit of the goals that dries us out of the darkness of our nightmares toward the light of our dreams.

A number four day offers a platform of stability in this intense day of power struggles – take time for you – embrace your needs and dreams.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

My intent and focus is clear

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Sadge

In order to create success and money in my life, my intent and focus must be clear. I can then let the universe take care of the details.

I’ve got an interesting perspective on life in that even if I don’t get what I want initially I view that disappointment as a pothole or a stone in the road. This disruption in my journey motivates me along the road toward my goals or hearts desire. I am positive that my intentions will eventually get me to the vision I’ve created.

The Sadge Moon gives us the ability to see the bigger picture. Look beyond the horizon or at least over the top of the rock. Mercury retrograde is an opportunity to review or revisit past issues/situations and “play it again”. This gives us an interlude for deep healing.

A number three day is a vibrant vortex of chatter and movement – catch pu with a friend or share ideas in an online forum. Help someone who is struggling with this sluggish Mercurial energy. Quite often when we reach down and lend a hand we become the benefactors.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, August 8, 2011

I love and honour my creativity

Monday 8 August 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Sagittarius

When I express my creativity in the world, I honour my needs and serve the needs of society.

A day of collaboration and partnerships with the number two influence. It is important to think about others or at least consider how we react and respond in the world.

The Moon in Sadge and the Sun in Leo is a powerful fiery duo. Sadge builds a philosophical perspective after the weekend of the penetrating Scorpio Moon phase. I guess its time to sit and contemplate our navel.

While navel gazing perhaps you can consider how your creativity serves the needs of society?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I protect my inner life from the opinions of others

Saturday 6 August 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Scorpio

In order to create good luck in my life it’s often best to keep silent about my innermost dreams and intentions. I simply let my vision unfold naturally.

This mantra has been a life-long lesson for me personally. My Sun is in Scorpio so it is easy to keep secrets. On the other side of that, my Moon is in Gemini which is the social secretary of the zodiac. It has been a constant in the curriculum in the academy.

The Moon in Scorpio will make it easy to keep secrets. The Sun in Leo will force us to centre stage. As we stand on the podium what will the inner narrator be willing to share with the world. I step up, move forward lips quivering – my heart is pumping the microphone squeals and my eyes widen as the words fall out into the world, “I had a dream!” Interesting, don’t you think?

A number nine day will encourage us to donate the proceeds from this declaration. Is there a worthy cause out there? Anyone up for a random dream?

Love, Peace and Dreams come true – they really do!

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I am flexible

Friday 5 August 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Scorpio

I recognise that the universe is in a perpetual state of change, and the best way to respond is to be flexible.

The Moon moves into passionate Scorpio today. The day is packed with an electrical charge of cosmic livewires – keep your emotions in check as it could get pretty intense.

A number eight day is the perfect counter balance to the celestial circuit. Eight days are great for business too so there is time to get the turmoil into a civilised strategic plan.

Go forth and carve out a spectacular sunrise to a new phase.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

I recognise that spirit is the source of infinite abundance

Thursday 4 August 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Libra

I overcome lack and get in touch with the source of infinite abundance, of unbounded affluence.

Today I am considering how much spirit influences my life. I am confident in saying that spirit supports and guides me through this journey. A number seven day is a secret haven to consider some of these “big picture” questions. Retreat into a moment of solace and meditate on how the strength of your relationship with spirit.

The Moon in Libra is an elegant glimpse at the regal Sun in Leo. Hold your head high and be proud of your accomplishments – don’t be boastful – just confident in your achievements.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I move beyond poverty

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Libra

Ouch! Who wants to live in poverty? Who is still stuck in a lack mentality – e.g. I don’t have enough or I am stuck in this situation because of…?

Poverty is the inability to know the real “me” beyond condition. The real “me” is the source of energy and intelligence that can fulfil any dream or desire I have.

So, come on – step right this way – create the life you’ve always dreamed of? What is stopping you! You have already planted your seeds in the rich fertile soil of the New Moon in Leo – now nurture them with positive thoughts, words and actions.

Life is a dream – isn’t it? Sometimes the dream is romantic, fulfilling, a roaring success and other times it is gnarly. When I see myself in the dream I like to envision a happy ending – no matter what scene it is or how dire the circumstances are – there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

I think that it is important to acknowledge that we do create our reality with our thoughts/visions. When life becomes too serious, sad or exhausting then engage your imagination and become a hologram – transport yourself to a galaxy far; far away!

The Moon in Libra seeks a balance in all things – work and play – rest and dedication. A number six day suggests that we take responsibility for this balance and make a commitment to us.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers
PS: I’ve just got home from a fantastic massage – life is but a dream!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Jar of Jems August 2011

Dearest Jems,

The fertile New Moon space is my creative vortex as I write to you this month. It is the New Moon in Leo 31 July 2011 and I feel the inspirational vibe of the Leo Moon lift up my imagination like a gentle autumn breeze. I am a golden leaf gently swept along to unknown destinations. I don’t mind really? This innovative surge of energy feels good. I am willing to be coerced by the breeze and am comfortable floating along with no fixed address.

July has felt a little like this airy ride – although at times it hasn’t been as dignified as I would’ve liked. I must admit that I’ve not been so carefree or willing to let go of the rails.

Sometimes I feel as if my life is like an airport. I am either bored waiting in a transit lounge walking between boarding gates dragging my luggage behind me while holding tightly to a ticket with some degree of anticipation that I make it on time for my departure.

During those brilliant moments of connectedness I feel my pulse race while speeding along the tarmac ready to be catapulted into the air – the exhilaration is phenomenal and I am flying high above the chaos, rugged stony faced mountains that take forever to climb or gliding over fresh ploughed fields ready for planting.

Today is the New Moon in Leo. I feel the richness of those fields at my fingertips. As I massage the soil between my fingers I consider my seeds and how carefully I must craft their coating of intention. These seeds will be planted today – they will carry my dreams/wishes/goals into the future.

I wait patiently for them to take root and will marvel in the tiny shoots as they reach for the sky. The relationship I have with them will no doubt occupy my mind as I go about my daily tasks. This field of dreams will be the harvest that will take me to infinity and beyond.

Off in the distance I hear a voice booming over the loudspeaker. I am sorry Jems I have to go – they’re calling my flight.

I look forward to listening to your manifest for July/August.

My love and best wishes to you and your family and I hope that August provide you with many golden moments.

Love and rich blessings,

Hello Friend in the Sky!

We have just passed the new moon in Leo, and I am hoping that the rest of the month will be as exciting! Inspiration is just pouring in with the golden sunshine. Although it is just the middle of summer, and the season is at its peak, we can already sense the upcoming slow descent into autumn.

I spent the new moon day in a qigong workshop with my teacher, Mr. Kwan Saihung, the wandering Taoist, who is 90 years young. No one ever guesses that he has passed the 90 year mark, with his youthful looks and abundant energy. He taught us exercises to help combat any ailments that may arise in our minds, bodies or spirits. With all of that knowledge and practice, I can see how he has managed to stay one step ahead of aging and degeneration.
I left the workshop feeling incredibly inspired and uplifted. There is something about the Leo sun that makes us want to skip instead of walk.

As I absorb the warm rays on my skin, I ponder the fact that we are all light-eaters. Everything we eat depends on the sun – the grass for animals, the plants and flowers we serve on our plates, the algae for the fish – and in turn the animals we may eat contain all the elements of the plants. So, it all comes down to the sun. We also function better when we have adequate levels of vitamin D in our bodies. When the body is fulfilled with all of its necessary components, the mind and soul are free to play, discover, and create! In the northern hemisphere, when the sun is at its zenith in Leo, that’s the time of year when the creative juices copiously flow on all levels - that’s why so many babies are born in the spring!

I am also planting new seeds for future creative pursuits – it is an exciting, fertile time, and the newness of the moon is stretching out beyond the embryonic phase. Soon we will focus on harvest time, but until then, let’s just enjoy the moment, water the garden and wait to see what comes up!
I wish you lots of golden energy to sustain you in the months to come.

Much love and chocolate kisses,

My desires can create my reality

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Virgo

It is through desire that the unmanifest can be made manifest.

Mercury planet of communications and the mind begins his current retrograde cycle. He will be in retrograde motion from 2-25 August. This is a good time to review or refocus on a project (that is exactly what I intend to do). There is some thinking that you shouldn’t start a new job/contract while Mercury is retrograde. However, I know that Yoko Ono was effective in her strategic choice of signing contracts at this time so she could opt out at a later stage.

The Moon in details oriented Virgo ensures hyper-vigilance with minutia and offers focus to our negotiations. It is also a good time to reconsider your health and wellbeing.

A number five day offers another trip around the round-about – are you going in the right direction? If not, put your blinker on and start again.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, August 1, 2011

I intend to create good luck in my life

Monday 1 August 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Virgo

When I recognise the power of intent, I can focus it to create the life I want.

This is a fantastic message to start with for a new month. The Moon in Virgo is very details oriented and a number four day is a building blocks day.

Construct your framework around your intention – make a plan toward your ultimate goal – strive daily to achieve “bite sized outcomes” and you will ultimately lift the lid on the life you’ve always dreamed!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Harlequins Haven for August 2011

Greetings Cosmic Cousins!

August shines its light on Leos. Leo is a fire sign so there will be lots of vitality and action this month. While the Sun shines in the fifth house we can expect love and romance to be the top of our agenda along with creativity, generosity, celebration, play and fun, sounds wonderful doesn’t it?

Leo Sun phase began officially on 24 July. I would like to reflect on the New Moon at the end of July before we trek into the major lunations for August

At the end of July there was a New Moon in the sign of Leo at July 31 4:39pm AEST. Leo rules the fifth house of love and creativity (so a wonderful way to finish this month – don’t you think?). Dreams of excess drive attempts to fill the more, more, more cravings within as jolly Jupiter links to this luxury-loving Leo Moon. Set high standards in all areas of your life as both quality and excellence are highlighted. There is a distinct shipping/materialistic undertone to this New Moon, so when buying now, aim for quality, lasting pieces – it’ll help justify your splurge. Venus close to Leo New Moon makes love and relationship experience dramatic.

By mid-August a Full Moon on August 14, at 4:57am, 21 degrees Aquarius reminds us of concluding or ending old outworn patterns. This Full Moon in Aquarius provides a group-focused balance point to the: me, me, me energy of the Sun in Leo. If you’ve become disconnected from the needs of those around – socially or in the wider community – now’s a great time to offer your talents to support or help others. The needs of the whole are highlighted, so try to think of those around you as much as you think of yourself. Mercury is both retrograde and in a tricky aspect to Neptune under this Full Moon, creating confusion about details, plans and facts. Double-check important documents and arrangements to avoid crossed wires.

The New Moon in Virgo on August 29, at 1:04pm, 6 degrees Virgo is a time to plant seeds in our sixth house of work, health and daily rituals. Healthy living and simple life are in focus as the New Moon in Virgo offers the change to get back to basics. If you’ve been looking for a good time to start a new eating routine or a better-balanced work schedule, this New Moon offers all the cosmic support you need. Virgo is the master analyser and drains on your time, money or emotions can be identified and dealt with now. It’s time to be as efficient as possible. The influence of Venus on the New Moon shows that teamwork, rather than going solo, is the way forward.

Focus your New Moon wishes (or statements of intention) in the areas of:

• Physical health/diet/exercise
• Work/job
• Efficient organising
• Clear discrimination
• Helpfulness
• Order
• Relaxing
• Perfectionism
• Structure routines

August is a number eight month and the vibration is all about success and is a welcome vibration of possibility at its highest. Imagine yourself in a life going to the top floor of a very important building to receive a reward, an accolade or a promotion and you’ll understand the eight vibration – love it!

The Kings of Swords in the next card on the journey of the tarot and when we meet the King of swords it is time to meet within oneself the ambivalent gift of intellectual leadership and strategy. Intellectual prowess and inspired ideas about how to develop things in the future are qualities he possesses in abundance. Sometimes this figure can appear in one’s life in the form of an individual who is striking by virtue of this mental gifts and his capacity to innovate changes in the world. But if such an individual enters one’s sphere it may be seen as a catalyst whom one can contact this dimension of oneself.

Uzume is the Goddess for August 2011. She is an ancient Japanese shaman-Goddess and is credited as being the one to entice the Sun Goddess, Amatersu Omi Kami, out of the cave where she had hidden.

Uzume begins her cosmic dance in your life to tell you it is time to nurture wholeness with laughter. Laugher causes us to relax, enables us to gain perspective, helps ease us through difficulties. Have you been taking life too seriously? When is the last time you had a good laugh? Are you able to alugh at yourself in a gentle way? Perhaps life is challenging you with such ferocity that you find it hard to see the humour in your present situation. Uzume says that wholeness is gained when you choose to laugh and see the humour in life’s challenges.

Our animal totem for August is, Mountain Lion. Mountain Lion can be a very difficult power totem for us to have, because it places us in a position to be a target for the problems of others. You could be blamed for things going wrong, or for always taking charge when others cannot. You could become the perfect justification for the insecurities of others.

Mountain Lion is a leader. This position of power reminds us of the importance of keeping the peace. However yous can never make everyone happy unless you lie to yourself or others. This is human nature. Therefore the first responsibility of leadership is to tell the truth. Know it and live it and your example will filter down to the tiniest cub in the pride. Responsibility is no more than the ability to respond to any situation. Panic is not apart of this sacred medicine.

In July I suggested that the Leo stone to embrace this month is, Topaz. Vigour and vitality are known qualities of Leo people. Sunny Topaz, with its ability to overcome limitations will help us to gain the recognition we crave. Use it to develop creative potential. Its vibrant energy stimulates your own natural generosity and assists you to be the big-hearted person you can be. This stone helps you to recognise your inner riches as well as drawing the support you need.

For August we must choose an appropriate Virgo crystal and in this case I’ve chosen, Peridot as it supports the razor sharp perception of Virgo. It assists in letting go of habits that block your growth (knew I loved this one for a good reason?), and encourages you to be kinder to yourself – an essential ingredient in overcoming your tendency toward self-criticism. Peridot powerful cleansing action releases negative patterns and “old baggage”. If you have done the necessary psychological work, Peridot rapidly moves you to a new stage of self-development and encourages you to look at your own higher energies for guidance.

Stay proud and content in the knowledge that you are incredible as you are!

Love, Peace and Harmony,
