Saturday, May 8, 2010

Higher Self – Selenite

I am the reflection of the Divine Spirit in Heaven.

Crown chakra: Crown through to 12th

Selenite is speaking to your response-ability and purpose. It is time o take response-ability, and apply it to the ne awareness you are beginning to embody. Selenite above all other allies creates resonance in our energy and body and initiates in us a time of renewed connection to the Divine.

Selenite is alerting you that it’s time to begin developing the physical vehicle you inhabit, that it can carry ever higher frequencies of energy onto the earth plane. You may need to change your diet, exercise habits, or other lifestyle choices which may be affecting your ability to carry higher frequency energy through your physical being.

We have Selenite in our foyer – it is a large block balanced between two small pillars. Selenite is also good for business or reviving a small business. Quite often I’ve given wands of Selenite to friends with an entrepreneurial flair as a way of facilitating a positive flow of intention, ideas and energy into their business. Selenite is excellent for balancing skeletal system – it works on strengthening our bones.

The Moon in Pisces adds a Neptunian ambience to the end of the working week. This is a nice segue into the weekend, don’t you think? Romance and creativity are always part of the Piscean agenda so expect the inner poet to emerge.

The Fool skips out from the cave ready to embark upon a journey in pursuit of fun and learning – being it on is his impetuous mantra. Don’t hesitate in leaving your baggage by the door.

The Wheel of Fortune turns ever so slightly in your favour prizes are won and opportunities are lost. A turn of the wheel and a smile flashes across your face – a flick the other way and you fall from grace.

Te Hermit counsels caution along the rutted road of life – yes be cautious but not frozen in fear. Life is to be lived and joy fulfilled. Don’t sit for too long and let opportunities for love pass you by.

Selenite is grounded white light – it is a conductor between heaven and earth allow this crystal to unblock the cork of negativity and allow the stream of energy float along a new path.

Love, Peace and Higher Purpose,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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