Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dream big

Monday 25 April 2011

Sun Taurus
Moon Aquarius

Let go of all small thoughts about yourself! See yourself succeeding.

In the past, you may have seen yourself as insignificant. This card asks you to release any thoughts or feelings of inferiority. Truly believe that you are utterly qualified for any endeavour you can dream about!

Write down a list of your fears about moving forward and then, “drown those fears by putting the paper into a bucket or large bowl of water. Then, take a cleansing bath or shower or swim…. The water seals your new way of seeing yourself… as you are in truth: an equal to all other’s children of God/Goddess.

The miracle of nature coupled with messages of transformation never ceases to amaze me. The golden Sun shine slips through my blinds this morning as I gaze out and witness the miracle of change. The maples are changing colour. They are amber and burgundy. There are a few however holding their summer green phase.

Some have chosen to change while others hold on to the memory of summer. Isn’t it a bit like us? Some choose to change while others hand on to the memories of another era.

Transformation and rebirth are common themes at Easter. Symbolically the letting go or releasing the pace allows us to embrace the prospect of change. I am travelling on that road right now and yet find myself looking over my shoulder with immense gratitude and love.

Like the colours of my maples I am changing from the soft healing green and stepping into a world of liquid gold and vibrant red. I am beaming with delight. I am shedding the sacred lessons of my past. I am dreaming big as I step into the light.

The Sun in Taurus keeps my feet firmly planted on the ground. The Moon in Aquarius spins my head all around. I am looking outside myself to see if I can spread this joy abound…

A number six day requires commitment and responsibility. I am grateful and I respectfully acknowledge the men and women who bravely gave up their lives so we could be free and sit safely in our room and gaze wistfully at the changes of the season.

Lest we forget!

Love and Peace,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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