Friday, April 8, 2011

Father healing

Saturday 9 April 2011

Sun Aries
Moon Gemini

Your personal power increases as you give any father-related issues to Heaven.

This card shows you that you still have some father issues left to heal. The healing doesn’t need to take a lot of time – it simply requires your willingness to be free of any old anger, grief or fear related to your male parent.

Universal energies are either male or female. Male energy is expansive and giving. Female energy is nurturing and receptive. If we’re unhealed with respect to our father, the Universe seems to be ungenerous. If we’re unhealed toward our mother, we won’t accept the Universe offers us.

The more you focus on the spiritual truth of your father, the more your heart will be receptive to the Universe’s continuous and all-encompassing arms to your Divine inheritance. Affirm: “I now focus on the love that is the spiritual truth of my father, and I hereby balance any karma between us. I now let go of everything but the love and the lessons of my relationship with my father.”

This card relates to the sadness and grief I still feel about the passing of my father tow and a half years ago. I understand that his body had worn out and it was his time to leave this earth school but on a personal level, I miss him terribly. And what is even sadder, I know that my Mum misses him even more than me.

I know that he is only in the next room, just beyond the curtain. I can still hear his words of encouragement – motivating me to push forward (especially when I’d rather be curled up in a ball or hiding in the cave). Even though those words, thoughts, feelings and memories are the fabric of my life his eyes and hugs are the greatest loss. I miss you Dad and your father healing.

The Moon in Gemini is rational and quick to recover from this emotional tsunami. The Sun in Aries is bold, brave and true (Dad’s star sign in this life). It’s okay to feel the pain of loss – it’s a human condition.

A number eight day has the potential for accomplishment and success in your projects. Be confident that all of the tasks and intentions will reap a fantastic outcome.

Love, Peace and Happyness,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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