Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Let yourself receive

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Sun Aries
Moon in Leo

Allow others to give you loving care. Receive without guilt or apologies.

You’re a giver, and you help others in so many ways. Most of the time, you truly enjoy giving. So, when you let others give to you, they experience the joy of giving. You give them a gift each time that you’re a gracious receiver.

Be receiving, you replenish yourself and balance the male and female energies without and around you. By allowing yourself to receive, you swim in the flow of life, which washes away stagnant energy, bringing new forms of abundance, creative ideas, and all types of opportunities. Even the simplest act of receiving is healing, and it is a powerful step into the manifestation process.

I have a “guilt free” maintenance program. I enjoy a fortnightly massage (remedial). I have a five week hairdressing appointment and a 4-6 week facial or beauty treatment and on top of that I give myself or have a professional manicure or pedicure every week.

On the weekend I have a coffee date with my husband and during the week I have a professionally made coffee with colleagues as a way of “getting away from it all”. The main reason is that these treats make me feel good. I feel pampered, refreshed and rejuvenated. This is radiated in my confidence and I know that I have honoured myself in a respectful way. How do you receive?

The numbers line up at: 12+4+2011= 3. Although the sequence is: 4+4+4. This sequence is interesting as it symbolises that: 444- The angels are surrounding you now, reassuring you of their love and help. Don't worry because the angels' help is nearby” (Doreen Virtue – Healing with the Angels).

Of course this number sequence equates to a number three day which promises vibrancy and activity. This energy will support light hearted optimism to tackle the recent astrological tug-of-war.

The Moon in Leo is connecting harmoniously with Mars, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter. These celestial couplings will offer focus and the ability to triumph over difficulties. For me this week has been a little like “smiling through gritted teeth behind a mask of compliance.” I see these links today as a cosmic balm to sooth the painful eruptions in my soul.

Love, Peace and Happyness,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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