Sunday, January 2, 2011

No storm lasts forever

In all of nature, no storm lasts forever

To talk little is natural: Fierce winds do not blow all morning: a downpour of rain does not last the day, which does this? Heaven and earth.

But these are exaggerated, forced effects, and that is why they cannot be sustained. If heaven and earth cannot sustain a forced action, how much less is man able to do?

Those who follow the Way become one with the Way. Those who follow goodness become one with goodness. Thos who stray from the Way and goodness become one with failure.

If you conform to the Way, its power flows through you. Your actions become those of nature, your ways those of Heaven.

Open yourself to the Tao and trust your natural responses… then everything will fall into place.

(23rd Verse of the Tao Te Ching)

Yesterday was a number seven day of spiritual journeys. To mark this stage in the numerological cycle I suggested that we take a different route home from Sydney.

It was a much longer drive. However, my point was not efficiency but rather to experience a different aspect of Australia; or to deliberately get lost in my Country.

Driving along Heathcote road and about four kilometres from the junction of the Princess Highway we came to a standstill. I could sense the frustration of other drivers feeling trapped in their car. I sent them love and patience.

I become absorbed in my music and cast my eyes to the scenery that lined the road. I was delighted to see tony groves with dancing palms, twisted trunks encapsulating the allure of the Australian bush. Eucalypts waltzing around sandstone rocks clumped together sprinkled with flecks of gold trapped in exquisite masses of stubbornness.

We continued our ocean pilgrimage winding along a newly erected stretch of highway under intimidating cliffs of sandstone. Dusty grey clouds emerged from a blanket of densely populate tree covered valleys.

Clouds collected over Scarborough and were caught in the green richness of the escarpment. I realised that I was watching a scientific experiment. Most air rising off the ocean hit the escarpment and cooled forming topographical rain as I watched in awe.

The coastal view on the left was amazing. Laughing out loud I commented that there was a cemetery perched on top of the hill. Does this mean that you have to die to gain the best coastal view in the region, I asked? I hope not!

Sun worshippers flocked to the beaches hoping to grab a few precious rays before lunch.

We pulled into a tiny rest stop to just walk for a few moments. It was a monument to Anzacs built in honour of our fallen men and women. This was spontaneous stop – just felt the need to be here. As I walked around the tiny memorial I heard the words running through my head, “If you build it they will come!” This is a phrase that has driven me throughout my creative journey and merged my soul with my writing partner. I wonder if he was thinking of me so I sent a message of love and respect to this highly talented man, TB Jackson – encouraging him to keep the dream alive in 2011.

We diverted inland to Moss vale. The temperature dropped dramatically as we began to climb the mountain edifice. Soon I realised that we were driving in the clouds – our vision was shrouded with the white heavy mist.

The storm came in unexpectedly – it teamed. The torrential downpour cleansed our car – washing away the dust and dead bugs collected on the front spoiler.

Driving through the rain was rejuvenating. We decided to postpone our afternoon tea stop and just kept driving.

I wanted to get lost; get lost on the way home. I wanted to experience the feeling of not being anywhere at any time. Our lives are dictated by clocks and calendars and my desire was to enjoy being in the moment.

Merging out on to the Hume highway I realised that we were back on track. I wasn’t sad or disappointed instead just acknowledged the time to return was here. I had nurtured the spirit of my soul and now I must get back to my life with a renewed creative surge.

It’s a Capricorn Moon and Sun day so tasks will be the focus. It is also a number eight day of achievement and there is a lot to be done.

NB: Eight days are about balance – the two circles constantly striving between work and rest so make sure you take time to do both.

So, if someone says to you, “get lost”, then do it! You’ll never know what an enjoyable experience it could be.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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