Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Jar of Jems August 2011

Dearest Jems,

The fertile New Moon space is my creative vortex as I write to you this month. It is the New Moon in Leo 31 July 2011 and I feel the inspirational vibe of the Leo Moon lift up my imagination like a gentle autumn breeze. I am a golden leaf gently swept along to unknown destinations. I don’t mind really? This innovative surge of energy feels good. I am willing to be coerced by the breeze and am comfortable floating along with no fixed address.

July has felt a little like this airy ride – although at times it hasn’t been as dignified as I would’ve liked. I must admit that I’ve not been so carefree or willing to let go of the rails.

Sometimes I feel as if my life is like an airport. I am either bored waiting in a transit lounge walking between boarding gates dragging my luggage behind me while holding tightly to a ticket with some degree of anticipation that I make it on time for my departure.

During those brilliant moments of connectedness I feel my pulse race while speeding along the tarmac ready to be catapulted into the air – the exhilaration is phenomenal and I am flying high above the chaos, rugged stony faced mountains that take forever to climb or gliding over fresh ploughed fields ready for planting.

Today is the New Moon in Leo. I feel the richness of those fields at my fingertips. As I massage the soil between my fingers I consider my seeds and how carefully I must craft their coating of intention. These seeds will be planted today – they will carry my dreams/wishes/goals into the future.

I wait patiently for them to take root and will marvel in the tiny shoots as they reach for the sky. The relationship I have with them will no doubt occupy my mind as I go about my daily tasks. This field of dreams will be the harvest that will take me to infinity and beyond.

Off in the distance I hear a voice booming over the loudspeaker. I am sorry Jems I have to go – they’re calling my flight.

I look forward to listening to your manifest for July/August.

My love and best wishes to you and your family and I hope that August provide you with many golden moments.

Love and rich blessings,

Hello Friend in the Sky!

We have just passed the new moon in Leo, and I am hoping that the rest of the month will be as exciting! Inspiration is just pouring in with the golden sunshine. Although it is just the middle of summer, and the season is at its peak, we can already sense the upcoming slow descent into autumn.

I spent the new moon day in a qigong workshop with my teacher, Mr. Kwan Saihung, the wandering Taoist, who is 90 years young. No one ever guesses that he has passed the 90 year mark, with his youthful looks and abundant energy. He taught us exercises to help combat any ailments that may arise in our minds, bodies or spirits. With all of that knowledge and practice, I can see how he has managed to stay one step ahead of aging and degeneration.
I left the workshop feeling incredibly inspired and uplifted. There is something about the Leo sun that makes us want to skip instead of walk.

As I absorb the warm rays on my skin, I ponder the fact that we are all light-eaters. Everything we eat depends on the sun – the grass for animals, the plants and flowers we serve on our plates, the algae for the fish – and in turn the animals we may eat contain all the elements of the plants. So, it all comes down to the sun. We also function better when we have adequate levels of vitamin D in our bodies. When the body is fulfilled with all of its necessary components, the mind and soul are free to play, discover, and create! In the northern hemisphere, when the sun is at its zenith in Leo, that’s the time of year when the creative juices copiously flow on all levels - that’s why so many babies are born in the spring!

I am also planting new seeds for future creative pursuits – it is an exciting, fertile time, and the newness of the moon is stretching out beyond the embryonic phase. Soon we will focus on harvest time, but until then, let’s just enjoy the moment, water the garden and wait to see what comes up!
I wish you lots of golden energy to sustain you in the months to come.

Much love and chocolate kisses,

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