For years I’ve scribed my thoughts, emotions and ideas in my journal. The odyssey has taken a myriad of twists and turns each stretch and quake depicted in the style, tone and maturity (or lack thereof) of notions documented in countless paper tablets.
I’ve always written with integrity – divulged hidden crevices with the authenticity of my heart. My writing implements have remained sacred, pure and totally in my command. For example, my on-line journal has been published on the premise of self-promotion for my eBooks. I confess that the publications offer insight into the real woman behind the digital texts on offer at
http://www.jestacom.biz/While the journals are explicit and laced with a layer of ego they represent the ebb and flow of my emotional realm constantly under scrutiny of a curious and fickle intellect - the most pervasive aspects being; grammar, metaphor and ultimately – expression.
Over the past five days I’ve holidayed on Norfolk Island. The vacation has been a perfect blend of exploration, research, friendly encounters and most of all – healing outcrops of rest.
Norfolk Island emerged from the outpouring of two active volcanoes. Large pines (Norfolk pines) offer uniqueness to this subtropical land mass. Descendants of Indigenous Polynesians coupled with mutineers (from the Bounty) and ancestral ties to colonies past celebrate a colourful cultural hue, giving the island a society graced in good manners and a rare warmth and open-ness.
Daily excursions around the isle revealed a foreboding coastline. Azure blue lagoons have lured many a ship’s captain into a watery disappointment.
Norfolk Islanders are proud of their history – they celebrate the English settlements with respectful sentiment and an unwavering spirit. I can sense the pride in their voices as they recall the history and parables of oppression. Clearly the cycle of life is transparent as you observe the interactions between death and rebirth.
Deep ravines and grassy knolls atop plunging outcrops of basalt hang precariously over rocky gorges plummeting into the sea. Two small land masses in close proximity to the island have been named: Phillip and Nepean Island. These desolate islands are uninhabited except for a sanctuary for birds.
This retreat has offered time well spent being re-acquainted with my inner muse. This timeout reminds me of how long we’ve been apart. Nostalgia washes over me as I realise it has been days since our last intimate conversation. I’ve been absent in thought and word with my journal which feels almost like a “lapsed Catholic” avoiding the confessional.
This week the apprehension of our authentic conversations has passed. This retreat has given me the opportunity to reinvigorate my creative verve – time to breathe, to walk alone in green meadows alongside herds of contented cattle; paddling in crystal blue water and stomping golden sands trudged by unfortunate souls long passed. These moments have nurtured my spirit gently encouraging the whisper of my soul’s winsome narrative.
I’ve experienced many blessings during this past week. I’ve enjoyed an historical depiction of the birth of this tiny island. The Trial of the Fifteen was fantastic. This clever and creative account was acted in a professional manner by actors who took on the energy of each character with integrity and a flamboyant demeanour. The actors were fascinating and most of generous.
That generosity imbues this land cradling in pride and independence. Our Norfolk holiday has been a memorable interlude in the scrap book of vacations past. I know that Norfolk is not listed on the tem most exciting adventures around the globe. Although, what Norfolk lacks in excitement it more than compensates in a healing ardour. It is no wonder Colleen McCullough finds the solace and creative respite to communicate with her inner muse.
Now that the holiday is over the memories flash across my face in a wry smile. I am grateful for this retreat – for the gifts of their smiles and kind words that fall so effortlessly from the Norfolk Islanders mouths. While the hospitality is compelling the greatest gift I take with me from this tiny Island is the return to me!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers