“Capture the spirit of abundance. Feel the joy and elation of plenty. Hold this feeling around you. This is the force field that attracts prosperity to you.”
L Gordon
The blistering Aries Moon is prompting the sanguine Scorpion Sun to get up; get up; get out of bed and rock. Scorpio loves to pursue its goals but in its own time whereas Aries is more let’s hurry up and went. It’s time for “authentic discussions” with Mars in Leo and Mercury in Scorpio. It seems that fire and water are top of the pops today. I suppose speaking with integrity is fine but can we have a little diplomacy on the side.
Our affirmations have led us into the realm of money and prosperity. Some people profess that money is energy. I agree to some extent however I also believe that you have to feel rich to be rich. Furthermore, I attest that being rich/wealthy is a state of mind. In that view, our current bank balance is an illusion and if we feel wealthy we will surely manifest the millions.
I had this discussion with my husband on Friday night. We had endured a week of financial frights and disappointments with confronting taxation rules and over zealous insurance companies who had not heard our instructions and went off in a direction we had no intention of pursuing. I was aghast with the knowledge that the Universe could serve up so many financial hurdles – I was affronted.
At the end of the week I felt drawn out and let down. As I lay on our bed debriefing from the week I remarked quite out of the blue that we are lucky – actually we are massively fortunate. With this realisation an immediate shift began to take place. I felt that I was pulsed by instantaneous zeal and a readiness to reconsider our financial present. Sure it is a gift – what we have and who we are – the power of manifestation began to surge. Immediately my energy shifted and I was enthused and ready to pay bills and plan the weekend shopping list.
Essentially, “lack” brings me down – I can’t tolerate it – sure I go there like any human who feels the slap of recent financial laws that are out of my control. I go into the pond of insecurity and paddle around for a while but I can’t dwell there for too long. Its like I have to feel it, see it – taste it but I don’t have to eat it and neither should you. Life is a banquet – you don’t have to eat vegetables all the time – you can move on to the dessert trolley from time to time – now where was that vanilla slice?
I recognise that Spirit is the source of infinite abundance. I overcome lack and get in touch with the source of infinite abundance, of unbounded affluence.
Money; money; money in our rich person’s world! So be it!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
L Gordon
The blistering Aries Moon is prompting the sanguine Scorpion Sun to get up; get up; get out of bed and rock. Scorpio loves to pursue its goals but in its own time whereas Aries is more let’s hurry up and went. It’s time for “authentic discussions” with Mars in Leo and Mercury in Scorpio. It seems that fire and water are top of the pops today. I suppose speaking with integrity is fine but can we have a little diplomacy on the side.
Our affirmations have led us into the realm of money and prosperity. Some people profess that money is energy. I agree to some extent however I also believe that you have to feel rich to be rich. Furthermore, I attest that being rich/wealthy is a state of mind. In that view, our current bank balance is an illusion and if we feel wealthy we will surely manifest the millions.
I had this discussion with my husband on Friday night. We had endured a week of financial frights and disappointments with confronting taxation rules and over zealous insurance companies who had not heard our instructions and went off in a direction we had no intention of pursuing. I was aghast with the knowledge that the Universe could serve up so many financial hurdles – I was affronted.
At the end of the week I felt drawn out and let down. As I lay on our bed debriefing from the week I remarked quite out of the blue that we are lucky – actually we are massively fortunate. With this realisation an immediate shift began to take place. I felt that I was pulsed by instantaneous zeal and a readiness to reconsider our financial present. Sure it is a gift – what we have and who we are – the power of manifestation began to surge. Immediately my energy shifted and I was enthused and ready to pay bills and plan the weekend shopping list.
Essentially, “lack” brings me down – I can’t tolerate it – sure I go there like any human who feels the slap of recent financial laws that are out of my control. I go into the pond of insecurity and paddle around for a while but I can’t dwell there for too long. Its like I have to feel it, see it – taste it but I don’t have to eat it and neither should you. Life is a banquet – you don’t have to eat vegetables all the time – you can move on to the dessert trolley from time to time – now where was that vanilla slice?
I recognise that Spirit is the source of infinite abundance. I overcome lack and get in touch with the source of infinite abundance, of unbounded affluence.
Money; money; money in our rich person’s world! So be it!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers