Sunday, April 25, 2010

Anzac Day 2010

Venus moves into Gemini today. Venus is the planet of love and money. The Moon is in Virgo – the sign of health and daily routines. Both Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury which is currently in retrograde motion. So what does this mean? Well, good intentions may slide into grumpiness or disagreements may melt into disarray. It’s a confusing mix so please consider these aspects when you set out today.

It’s Anzac Day and the mood is sombre and respectful. The rain adds gloominess to the day of Remembrance. While this is a sad day in our calendar it is also a day to honour those who are still laying their lives on the front line defending our freedom. We thank them and we will always honour and respect them.

A number five day promises changes. Life can become uncertain. We could start out with a plan and the plan could be turned upside down. So be prepared to bounce along with the tide.

Death is the first card in our reading this morning. It is a stark reminder of the sadness and grief of leaving a part of our lives behind. We feel lost and alone and at times find it difficult to plod on.

The Lovers celebrate the union of two souls. I’m often confused by people who claim that they are frightened to love again. Who would be frightened of love? If we have an opportunity to love instead of wallowing in sadness and regret then why wouldn’t we choose love? I know its all about choice and freewill and in some cases the brave are those who are willing to dive back into the stream of love – my advice: come in the water is great!

The Fool marks the stage for a new scene – stand here; move there; you are about to enter stage left from the wings – don’t be frightened its only a part that will move you to the next act – who knows what exciting characters you’ll meet along the way? Definitely not the same script different cast!

I guess it takes courage and conviction to live a life filled with experiences that would make a best seller. Is your life a comic strip or is it a romantic novel? Are you living in the Jane Eyre genre or Indiana Jones? Perhaps it is a thriller?

For those who have played the hero in their own war story – I know you today and everyday. You are close to my heart and in my thoughts – I will remember you – thank you!

Love and Peace for all!

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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