Wednesday, April 7, 2010

If I could turn back time – why?

Pluto started his retrograde motion yesterday. This means it is time to clear the deadwood from our lives. If you know where Pluto is holding court in your transit it will give you an idea of how this regression will impact on you.

For me, he is at the top of my chart in the ninth house of philosophy, higher learning and long distance travel. Therefore it is time to revisit that part of my life and shake the tree and see what falls out.

Saturn moves back into Virgo today. This is an opportunity for us to demonstrate lessons learned. It is also a time to revisit your Saturnian aspects e.g. commitment, responsibility and here’s that word again, ‘patience’. If there are a loose ends lingering in your life then Chronos will ask you to pick up your knitting needles and knit 1; purl 1 to tidy them up.

Talk about commitment and responsibility – it is a number six day and this energy feeds nicely into the Saturn focus. The time is ripe for digging into your chores or pick up that dreaded ‘to do’ list and begin ticking off your tasks.

I read in the news today that Dawn French’s marriage has broken down. This makes me sad. Dawn is a Libra and Saturn has just left her for a short break but has asked her to revisit some of the lessons of the past. This is a sad and painful phase and will send her lots of love and healing. I’ve been there and this phase seems pretty grim. There is a light and there is love with the support of family and friends. My wish is that Dawn heals and comes back even stronger.

The Moon is in Aquarius and it is a perfect day for friends, associations and social networking. The Sun is in Aries which represents the individual and Aquarius highlights the importance of humanity. So it is a good time to review your position in the global village.

Strength is raw courage and the ability to overcome your fears. This is the perfect card for Dawn as she moves into a new phase.

Hermit is cautious and yet very determined in his stride as he moves along the rocky path of life.

Death is the end. This reality brings tears and fears. It is the end of a phase and the acknowledgement that you can never go back.

The High Priestess is poised and dignified. She knows what it is like to grieve and leave behind the remnants of her soul.

In the darkness of regret and sadness you will be reborn. Shed the layers of irrelevant circumstances and step boldly into the world as an initiate.

Peace, Love and Healing,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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