Monday, September 13, 2010

Ancestor of Hope

Hope in the darkest hour, support and generosity to see beyond trials, the strength to see a positive outcome, energy to move forward.

We are nearly half way through the Shaman’s Oracle and the Ancestor of Hope has appeared to remind us that we rely upon our Ancestor of Hope to support us when life seems overwhelming and dire. WE are never alone – especially in our darkest hour. Our Ancestors – (Spirit) are always there to help us through. Life becomes more philosophical and we begin to reach for new horizons rather than remain entrenched in the emotional pit of despair.

Mercury turned direct yesterday and communication should be a lot less confusing. He will remain in Virgo until 4 October when he will move into Libra. This move into relationship oriented Libra is good news if you want to negotiate a contract/deal for your professional or personal agenda.

I was talking with my brother last night and we decided that there will not be anymore hidden agendas in our family; that we will ensure an open forum to discuss any issue that may come up for us as individuals or as a family. I see this as a progression.

The other big news on the cosmic line-up is that Mars will move into Scorpio tomorrow. Each planet has a positive and negative energy. The positive side of Mars in Scorpio is that you he will give you a boost where he is currently visiting. The less than positive realisation may be that he can cause disruptions or arguments over issues that are left to ferment. So be sensitive or even mindful perhaps. Actually he will sit in Scorpio for quite some time so allow this energy to motivate you toward your highest ambitions. He will be in my 10th house of career and public arena so I will be working with him to ensure my goals in those areas.

Solitude, reflection ad meditation are perfect environments for a number seven day. Take time out to consider the recent Mercury retrograde phase. Consider how this planetary shift gave you the opportunity to rethink some of your choices and or outcomes.

The Empress brings a burst of spring to our lives. She has remained calm and focused while Father Winter has done his gig. Now, she is here to open up the earth and bring the bounty of the season to life.

The Devil forewarns the power and passions of the current cosmic season. If you encounter an immovable object approach with caution and integrate your perspective into the situation until you’ve made your mark. Taking it by force will never work – well not in the long run.

The Hermit concludes our subconscious epic this morning. Take each lesson and weave them into your curriculum. Wisdom and prudence are qualities of the evolved soul.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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