Friday, September 10, 2010

Spirit of Challenge

Accessing courage, determination in the face of adversity, taking risks, facing up to opposition, drawing the energy to move ahead, and reassessment of resources

There are challenges in our daily life- don’t you think? We are forced to confront issues or situations that motivate us to dig deep and source internal resources to overcome these challenges.

Sometimes we must lay the ground work to build a bridge and move on. The Spirit of Challenge awakens the part of us that identifies these challenges and offers strategies or resources to overcome, learn and finally move forward in the right direction for us.

The Moon in Libra is a green light to negotiation, consultation and collaboration. Personally I think that this is why we are so fortunate to have a Libran Prime Minister. These traits are inherent in the Libran personality and we can therefore assume that we can capitalise on these qualities to support us in the future.

Mars and Neptune collaborate harmoniously tody. We are given a cosmic highway to our dreams. Mars injects the fuel and Neptune creates the vision by offering the template. Speaking of dreams – I dreamt about babies last night - lots of babies. Of course this does not necessarily mean that I will have a baby of my own instead I believe that these dreams are more about creative projects. Actually, Neptune is hitting my fifth house so bring on the positive energy.

It’s a number four day so undertake the plans and framework for your dream building. What’s your dream? What steps do you need to take to make it happen?

Subconsciously we are drawn down a positive route. Apollo, the Sun God shines his golden beams of beauty and wonder on our path.

NB: Just as I wrote that statement the Sun shone brightly through my window.

The Emperor reminds us that we are the Masters of our Destiny. Take it to the limit and don’t stop until you darn well get there.

The World offers a cornucopia of blessings. The fruit is ripe on the vine and ready to pick. The garland of plenty surrounds your soul purpose.

Whatever you desire – wherever you want to go keep your focus and ask the Spirit of Challenge to remain close. Yes, identify the risks of stepping out of your comfort zone. Also, analyse the benefits of what you can accomplish. The Spirit of Challenge will assist you in assessing and defending your fears and challenges and offer a solution to resolve these roadblocks. Don’t delay – and don’t give more excuses than enthusiasm otherwise you are likely to miss out on the most incredible life.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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