Monday, November 1, 2010

Be open to love

I was driving to work this morning and the Beatles song, “All you need is love” came on the radio. I thought, yes that says it all now doesn’t it? So be it!

Our soul purpose is to learn by entering into intimate relationships. Surrender control, and open your heart to the lessons of love. Ignore second hand opinions and warnings of others to play it safe, and give in to intimacy.

Intimacy covers a large part of relationship aspects. For example, intimacy is the art of being honest in a relationship – sharing your thoughts and feelings and then of course, your actions/reactions. For me being open is being honest. It takes courage and a willingness to overcome our fear of rejection or you’re taking the relationship to a new level. Once you have found that perfect place of intimacy, there is no going back (and who would want to?).

The Moon in Virgo is a place of discretion and discernment. In this lunar phase she is measured, kind and gentle. Virgo is ruled by Mercury the planet of communications so the emotional connect is based on communication and trust. Remember the Moon rules our emotions and how we socialise.

The Moon in our chart guides us to our beacon of emotional and social fulfilment. We can focus on this silver orb while uncovering our secret emotional cavern. Your moon sign is the indicator or source of how you can relate your feelings or a vessel to express your emotions. For example, if your Moon is in Aries then if you are not happy with something in your life or if you become frustrated then exercise or movement is a good place to debrief. I believe that the Moon is just as important for us to acknowledge as our Sun sign.

It’s a number seven day and the energy of this number is to facilitate an inward journey rather that expression. Contemplation and consideration works on number seven days. Perhaps it is time to do a spot check on your soul’s purpose and ask the question: Am I open to love or am I just dabbling at the water’s edge?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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