Thursday, November 25, 2010

Grieve your losses

Your soul’s purpose right now is to grieve your mistakes fully so that you can learn from the resultant losses.

This is not an easy one for me. I’m not really into grieving. Well, most of the time I analyse and compartmentalise my emotions. As a Scorpio one of my soul’s lessons is to allow grief and loss direct transformation in my life.

For example I had a conversation with a friend last night about a desired outcome in a significant relationship. She wants this relationship to be everlasting (don’t we all?). My advice was to simply live and love in the moment. I know that this is not really want she wanted to hear.

Through my relationships I’ve learned that no matter how much we crave the relationship to be sustainable and everlasting there is still the potential for change in both or either party.

When this change happens one or either person decides to move on. Quite often I intuitively detect this disengagement and begin the grieving process for the loss of the idealistic outcome.

I believe that more often than not the grieving process begins before the official ending has been announced.

Unfortunately for most of my intimate and close associations that I enter into the relationship with idealistic expectations and when I feel that the connection has been broken then the disappointment and recovery process begins.

If the damage cannot be repaired with communication and or re-dedication then I bring this relationship to a close by weighing up my emotional investment. Calculating? Yes I suppose so. Do I work with a full complement of Julia? Maybe – maybe not?

So have I got off track here? Sorry? Now you know why grieving my losses are difficult .

The Moon in Leo is showy and glowy – love that gold rush into the weekend. Give it all you’ve got – Friday. This is a fantastic shinny transition into the weekend so fly with the golden eagle, My Friends.

Before you take off though – check your engines and make sure your seat belts are fastened with the number four day. It is a good day for planning – even if it is just for the weekend events calendar. Prepare for a great time – I am!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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