Friday, November 19, 2010

Reach for the stars

The message is clear: You’re an instrument of Divine creativity and are being called upon to live up to your true heritage.

You soul’s purpose right now is to fully claim your unlimited potential by directing your thoughts ad emotions solely toward your highest dreams.

I love this message – don’t you? I think that it is important for all of us to reach for the stars – no matter which star; whatever the destination. And don’t give up till you get there!

As I shuffled the cards this morning I asked for an inspirational message. I know that each message holds a special key to unlock secret caverns within our soul but today I needed something to give me a boost. So I wanted a note to say, whatever is happening right now is not the destination – what is now – is not necessarily the future. And I got it!

Yesterday afternoon I rang my Novated leasing company to confirm the status of my account. Being doing that I felt confident that the account was stable and in good order. I have been monitoring this account since its inception and was just checking in to see if that all was running smoothly – as I had expected. That being said, I had been adjusting payments – adding more and more funds to make it work but the last phone call I had with them was a pleasing experience as I was assured it was all in order.

I was flawed to hear that the account had slipped into a negative state. I was shocked that I had to make urgent arrangements to bring the account up to date by investing another $400 on top of my newly adjusted payments. And I had to do this now! I can assure you that this chapter is not over!

I mentioned this situation today as a way of demonstrating that life doesn’t always flow how we have designed, planned or even budgeted for and while the disappointment, rage and anger surged within me I had to stay focused on the ultimate goal. I will keep a close eye on this mis-management. Just one more question: so why am I paying a management fee?

The Moon in Taurus brings the practical and grounding to the tidal wave of emotions –whew thank goodness.

A number seven day offers reflection and an inward journey litmus test. Consider what is happening and why?

A high note to close this journal entry today, I saw Harry Potter last night. It was great to be able to loose myself in the imagination and creativity of a genius. Then I related the messages unfolding in the film – good versus evil – wrong doing opposing the fight for truth and justice. And I got it – don’t give up until you reach the stars!

I know that JK Rowling did not give up reaching for the stars and now we are all benefactors in her mural of mystery and magic.

What will you discover when you reach for the stars?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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