Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Become a servant for love and truth

Speaking of your truth today holds the cauldron of truth bubbling away with the force of Mercury and Pluto. This alignment may cause some disruption or eruptions in your relationships.

The Moon is in the sign of the detective – Scorpio – always searching for the truth – working hard on uncovering the tiny details – picking up rocks and stones and turning them over – yes even poking into places that are best left alone . That’s the way of the Scorpio – believe me – I knot this to be true. The sagest advice I can offer on a day like today is to thine self be true!

The Hanged Man encourages us to go with the flow – oh darn it – I’m so over that! Let’s blow a little wind into those sails and set the navigator for a new horizon.

The Empress smiles a quiet confident smile – she has a secret. Come on give it up. We’ll coax her for a while – ah – nope you’ll just have to wait and be patient for a moment longer.

Death strides into my morning spread – you know you want this; you know you need this – come on get ready for the end of the old ways and embrace the new – its just for you! Be bold. Be courageous. Drop the ways that have kept you imprisoned for too long.

The Hierophant emerges from the cave. All good things come to those who wait. Be patient. Be prudent. You must be respectful and loving.

I can sense that situations are changing in my heart. I am in the centre and the gravity that pulls me toward a new place is strong. Mars is still retrograde but the shift is swirling around taking me into the jet stream.

The desire to shed the unwanted kilos is strong. A visit with my dietician and a meal plan with portions is in my grasp. I have the map – the ingredients for success. Now all I need is the will and the power to maintain the momentum and lust toward my healthy, balanced, loving self. I will achieve. I will stick to the plan. I have a partner who is committed and strong. I am fortunate and blessed. I am a servant of love and truth.

Love is what makes you happy, and if you become a service of love and your partner becomes the servant of love, the day will come when you can be with your partner with no guilt and no blame, no anger and no sadness.

Love, Peace and Joy,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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