Thursday, March 25, 2010

Love and honour your physical body

To crate a relationship that takes you all the way to heaven, you have to accept your body completely. You have to love your body and allow it to be free to give, free to receive without being shy. Because shy is nothing but fear.

Wow! What a concept? Not sure I am ready to embrace that suggestion just yet. Although, I must admit I am enjoying a much healthier relationship with my body at the present. The desire to feed my emotions and consume poor food choices has passed and now I view food as medicine, quality energy and positive fuel source for my body.

Yesterday I did a Pilates class and was very connected to my body. I felt relaxed and stretched my limbs and focused on my core. In the afternoon I was vibrant and focused. It’s a good place to be in.

Last night I had a glorious facial with my favourite beauty therapist, Kim. She is a creative and energetic person who is totally connected to my healing journey. My body treatments are total bliss.

Wednesday evening I saw another favourite pampering Goddess, Mary. I sat in her chair and said I need a change. I want to change my hair style, please? I was bored with the same do and especially tired of putting my hair up in clips. Now, I am sporting a concave bob – nice! Thank you Goddess of hair for listening to me and giving me what I desired. I adore you!

Change is in the air and it is highlighted today with a number five day. It is a day of movement, freedom and liberation. Change is all around you. Can you feel it?

My morning reading is phenomenal. I don’t want to gloat but honestly the cards are the pick of the crop. I must say that lately the pictures of my subconscious have been less than digestible. Well when you consider cards like, Death, The Devil and the Tower and let’s not forget the constant appearance of Judgement. Today we are on a different tack entirely with the Empress, Wheel of Fortune and Temperance – ahhh.

Essentially these cards represent a change in circumstances. The hard works, toil, grunt and frustration is over. The tide is turning and a new phase of empowerment is about to begin. I guess it all fits like some crazy jig saw puzzle in our souls. As we choose to change and groove in a new direction the pieces fit perfectly.

The day has not yet dawned and yet I feel the energy surge – the birth of a new and wonderful adventure is looming just beyond the rim.

Love, Peace and Happiness,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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