Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dancer of Reconciliation

Balance restored, anger dissolved, restitution of wrongs, inner certainty, resolving doubt and confusion. Strengthen bonds, brings harmony, peace-making

Waking up early today is not my idea of a restful Sunday morning. Although, I did go to bed early last night so, I guess it balances out.

Yesterday was frantic. I unpacked my suitcases, washed, ironed and put clothes away – I even squeezed in a little gardening time – just to get grounded. Fortunately, my gorgeous husband had the foresight and good grace to irons his shirts and do the weekly grocery shopping.

Today the Sun is making a grand entrance through my window and around the room. I have been reflecting on some of the past three weeks and the energy I’ve consumed from listening to motivational self-development speakers and reading inspirational books. How do I condense it all? And how can I integrate this potent energy into my life? My well being and is craving the ingredients from these magical moments.

I like the key messages of the Dancer of Reconciliation, don’t you? I want to sip every word and taste the meaning – allow it to swirl around in my consciousness and close my eyes and imbue my soul with its infusion. The fact that there is a possibility of balance restored is intoxicating and I am sure that we can all appreciate the influx of harmony can’t we?

From the etchings of the cave walls we can formulate a plan and build a path to solid ground. The essence of a number four day is building the foundation required to move us toward a new a brilliant future.

Our subconscious offers the support structure with the optimism of the Sun; cooperation of the Lovers and the brute force and strength of the Devil and finally the penultimate moment of gratitude from the Empress.

This subconscious story board relays the messages and meaning for the moment. On the contrary, life is always shifting, evolving and changing directions this constant movement can be demanding. We owe it to ourselves to stop the kaleidoscope of images and seem reconciliation with the Divine. Do not doubt your Divinity – honour it –explore it and allow it to flow through you!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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