Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Journeyer

I am the Journeyer I accompany you on every journey you take in search of answers. I fly into the realm of spirit and encounter the beings that dwell there the ancestors of all people and the guardians of wisdom and knowledge. I am the one who conducts you between the worlds, through the caves of inspiration, taking you on a journey to find guidance in all that you seek. Often I am silent, but when requested I can bring my wide knowledge of journeying to bear on your question.

Walking down the steps we fall deeper and deeper into our unconscious. Each step becomes more prominent and the images are dark, mysterious and primal. Holding a candle to the strange markings on the wall we become fascinated with their primitive style. We begin to realise that we are now in a foreign place with unfamiliar messages – we have entered the Shaman’s Cave.

The Journeyer represents you as the seeker – it is the beginning of the journey. Are you prepared to join me? I promise it will be a mystical healing tour. The past is behind us and it is time to start a new chapter.

I’ve just taken a peak at my lunar return and Sagittarius features in the fourth house - strange isn’t it? Perhaps not so strange when you consider that I am living away from home – sure I am not living overseas but it is away and a learning journey – study and new philosophies – very Sadge.

It is a number two day of companionship and collaboration. This is a joint venture and yes we will explore the cave together. I am excited at the promise of discovery but more importantly sharing this alchemy with you.

Death relates to the old life slipping away like a drab dusty robe. I know it is comfortable and it has served your well – shed it now and leave the final remanent of the past behind.

The Moon is boasting her burgeoning presence – she is delightful, glorious and a beacon of creativity. She integrates our emotions into our identity. The fragility of human emotions is captured in her delicate ridges. Her cycles fascinate us talking us from one emotional realm to another – we remain captivated by the consistent deflowering of our most fragile outer layers.

Zeus is our champion – the rocks and sledge hammer drop in unprovoked rhythms – why? Is it to wake us up from the big sleep? Or is it to drive us toward a new ridge – aspiring toward the climb to the summit.

Navigate the crevices and outcrops of dissention and disappointment. Don’t allow others to shred your self confidence or esteem. People cannot take them from you without your permission. And why would they do that anyway?

The Journeyer represents you, the seeker, when you consult the Shaman’s oracle. The Shaman’s oracle is the truth-seeker’s guide written by John Matthews and Will Kinghan. We will explore the journey together.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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