Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Light – ability to communicate knowledge, experience, skill or wisdom

Shadow – manipulating or abusing students – teaching negative traits and destructive skills

Ask yourself if others look to you as a teacher in any situation – to impart the richness of your experience, or to show them the ropes.

Don’t you love synchronicity? Yesterday I spoke about the teacher and here it is.

NB: Our thoughts are like magnets they attract energy into our lives. I’ve attracted the teacher archetype today as I’ve shuffled the deck – what can you attract with your thoughts? Peace, I hope? What about love?

Consider these phenomena as Jupiter and Pluto clash today. Jupiter is in my seventh house of interaction with society and Pluto is in the fifth house of love and creativity – interesting to say the least – mind blowing at best!

The Moon rationalises our emotions in the Taurus phase. Taureans love the niceties of life – peace, love and happiness – the love - the cosiness of a warm fire and the harmonious blend of contentment and nurturing oneself.

This moon phase is a good backdrop to the challenging act currently playing out on stage. Yes, Pluto and Jupiter are at it again so the clash of the transformers could get ugly so we will jut warm our feet by the fire and sip on hot chocolate with marshmallows thank you very much.

It’s a number five day so a wild card day on the numerological scale. A five day can be challenging as that energy is unpredictable – a common theme perhaps?

The Devil snorts and prances down the corridors of disillusionment – fling off the binds of oppression and release the shackles that hold you to your dysfunctional habits and toxic fears. The Devil sniggers as workplace scenarios erupt into prize fights on a Saturday night. Sure each round takes you to the edge of you seat but is this sustainable?

Judgement – again – enough of the shedding already! The hanged man takes us into his Neptunian gaze – hang here for a while – and heal the scars of betrayal.

The star searches for optimism above the cloud of spites. Don’t wallow in what could have been – start fresh and seek the possibilities of now. Look higher and you will see hope lurking beyond the rim of darkness – teach yourself to be true – long live learning and love.

Love, Peace and Learning to be True,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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