Thursday, August 5, 2010


Are we there yet?

Light – sheds light on the potential wealth within you that can never be stolen

Shadow – stealing money, creative ideas, affection or other powers you think you lack

Look for a continuing pattern of expropriating from others – materially, intellectually or emotionally.

The reason why I’ve asked, “are we there yet?” is to find out if there is an end to the astrological minefield. Is there some line in the sand or finite boundary we are finally approaching here? Keep in mind that there is a belief that: “as above; so below” so on that basis our relationship between the skies and ourselves is pretty tempestuous at present. What I am looking for is an answer to: “Is it safe for me to come out from underneath the duvet yet?” No seriously the week has been fine – hasn’t it?

Anyhow, the Moon is in Gemini and I don’t care – well I do, no I don’t – ah you know what I mean? At least the Sun and Moon are compatible at present and lovingly support one another through some talk therapy. If that doesn’t work then have a massage – that is what I plan to do.

At the numerological edge we are in a number seven day. This is a perfect opportunity to reflect on the changes that have taken place over the past few weeks. How do they fit? Do they need a dry clean? Or perhaps they don’t fit anymore so we need to recycle them?

Hermes, the Magician is very adaptable and able to move between worlds – he/she can take on any role and is comfortable in both dimensions. Perhaps that is our message at the moment – adaptability and flexibility – not delving too deep just skimming the surface of what is?

Temperance floats high above the game playing – don’t get caught up in the noxious details just take the high road to empowerment. She is only interested in learning and ultimate evolution of our soul – how can we improve our chances and our state of being if we languish in the quagmire of regret or the nonsense that squishes up between our toes?

The world is the ultimate reward – a delicate balance of hard work and reward. Standing proudly in the garland of plenty we know that the toil is over – reach over and pick a ripe succulent piece of fruit – enjoy the juices of your labour.

Its Thursday, a Jupiter ruled day and even though he has been grumpy this week there are a lot of benefits to be gained – we can accept them freely or take them under the guise of the thief – slipping slowly into the treasure chest of wisdom and stealing what is necessary for our soul evolution.

Love, Peace and a Passion for Plenty,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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