Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Green Back Pack Adventures presents - I can do it conference – August 2010

The mystical sounds of the didgeridoo summon us into the auditorium. Mistress surveys the massive room looking for the perfect seat.

“Go higher and higher” I beckon. Front and centre that is where we need to be – a perfect vantage for people like us.

Respectfully I am placed on the ground between her legs. She opens my large flaps and removes her pen and book. The page is dated as we are swept up in the throng of the didge.

The crowd starts to fill the large room. People stream in like hyperactive ants to a sugary nest. The didge goes quiet and we stand and applaud. What a performance? I was carried away and gave thanks to the original owners of this great land.

I think we are about to start – I can hardly control my flaps.

Marcia Hines takes us on a rock and roll ride into the beginning of the two day conference. Everyone is clapping and singing the energy is combustible. I am so in the moment with the movement and excitement I can hardly control myself.

Marcia gives a warm welcome to Dr. Wayne Dyer and the crowd goes wild. I am in awe of this enigmatic man and how he can hold the attention of this massive crowd in the palm of his hand.

We are all captivated by his thoughts and philosophical offerings. He is wise and gifted but massively charismatic. He is sick, you know? Instead of feeling sorry for himself he perceives this inconvenience in his body as a blessing. In short he is walking his talk.

Caroline Myss is amazing. Mistress was totally immersed in her teachings and sat there wide-eyed and gulping the concepts and perspectives like a gold fish. Carolyn suggested that we should defy gravity and shed the heavy egocentric baggage of the past. I hope that didn’t mean me?

Sonia Choquette was a vivacious diva who insisted we all get up and dances our way through life and our challenges; an interesting concept and one which Mistress fixated on. She is a sassy icon with a fresh approach to the love, peace and harmony perspective. Mistress purchased her: Soul lessons and Soul Purpose oracle cards. She also brought the CD set of “How to trust your vibes at work”. When we were at the signing of these items Sonia asked my Mistress, “Do you love your Spirit?” She replied, “I adore my Spirit!” They hugged – how mushy?

Dr. Weiss took us into a deep meditation and healing. I drifted back in time when I was first chosen by my Mistress. I was a young and naive back pack back then but now I much more wise. It seems like a life time ago as we have travelled so far; been on so many journeys and adventures. This meditation was nothing compared to my Mistress who visited a past life in the Inca incarnation. I will let her reveal that visitation to you in Julia’s Journal.

Interestingly Mistress claimed that he leg was in pain before the meditation and after it was healed – it’s a miracle!

We all floated out of the convention centre and flooded Darling Harbour with positive and empowered energy. I can guarantee that many souls were healed and lives changed this weekend. Notwithstanding these declarations of transformation the energy of the waterfront was lifted to a new ethereal and spiritual level.

My recommendation is that you attend this fantastic workshop – there is something there for everyone.

Bye for now and I will catch up with you on my next adventure – The Ghan trip through Central Australia – toot; toot!

Love and Peace (and all that mushy stuff),


PS: Don't you love the picture of Mistress and Ms. Myss at the book signing. Apparently Caroline told Mistress that she is a Mystic - no kidding!

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