Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hunter of Mysteries

Inner truth, deep awareness, change, restoration, inner power, access to spirit, engaging energy, perception removed, connection to all life, spiritual alliances

The Hunter of Mysteries stands in the shadows but prepares to emerge into the light where he will guide us on our path. In following his lead we enter into a state that is timeless, spaceless, unformed. By exploring we dig within ourselves we give form to our thoughts, our aims and our actions.

Question: what will I do tomorrow when I have to hit the ground running and be organised and ready early? I’ve had a relaxing and somewhat lazy weekend and I fear that it will come to an end. For now, I am relishing the sublime indulgence of taking time for granted, tomorrow will be another story.

The Moon in Leo is a creative surge to our long weekend. She is poised to interact in dignified dialogue with Libra. By the way, how did the Mercury and Uranus bout play out for you yesterday? Mine was brilliant. I loved the electrically charged day and plugged right into the socket for a fantastic zap.

We had friends over for dinner last night sot he conversation was fun and ventured out of bounds. It was spontaneous and mind altering with rich concepts that took us into unknown quarries. Our excavation tools laid to rest I feel that I have engaged the Hunter of Mysteries, hold his hand and he will navigate some unfathomable worm holes of the Universe.

A number eight day taps us on the shoulder and says, “It’s okay to delve deeply into the great mysteries of the Universe but you have to come back to earth and seek a balance between work and rest. I acknowledge the prompt however I insist that the resting is the ideal for this holiday Monday morning.

All rest and no work is an abomination. Take time to recoil from the world of obligation and responsibility. Tend to your needs and ask Archangel Metatron to assist you to open your chakras using sacred geometric shapes. Or, meditate and connect with the Divine Dialogue of the Universe.

Tomorrow is work and focus – accomplishments and task oriented and fulfilling roles. Enjoy today and capture the healing energies of self care.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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