Friday, March 25, 2011

Break free

Sunday 27 March 2011

Sun Aries
Moon Capricorn

Try different experiences as a way to grow and learn.

Sometimes we get into ruts and routines because they feel safe and comfortable. By drawing this card, you’re asked to swim outside your comfort zone. It’s time to take risks and explore new ways of thinking, making a living, of being in a relationship.

When you make a commitment to explore and experiment, the world responds by giving you wonderful new experiences. Heaven isn’t necessarily asking you to settle into these new avenues, but to instead test the water and venture out. Sometimes we’ll experiment and learn new things, and then when we return to our comfortable old routines, we’re changed (for the better). This is definitely time for you to reach out and enjoy new options. Try something new today!

The Capricorn Moon offers a little caution to being over the top. Sure, as our card of the day suggests, “do something different”. It’s just that you may not feel like radical change on a larger scale. How about baby steps with calculated certainty? That would be more appropriate with this lunar influence.

A number seven day in the garden of truth is a day to sit back and rest – but not for two long. Take time to watch the buds on the stems emerge and burst with promise of a new season. The blossoms are slowly opening. The wonder and magic of revealing the brilliant outcome of your hard work is here. It’s okay to take some time to reflect and consider the commitment and diligence you’ve demonstrated.

Consider this, “are you pleased with this numerological progress in this cycle? Or would you do something different next time round?”

Interestingly, I received some feedback this week about a situation that has been manifesting behind the curtain of truth. Apparently a decision was made that has slowed down my short term progress on a project. At first I thought how childish? And then it settled in my soul and as I rationalised the situation I realised that I did not regret one single day of the past few weeks.

If this decision was made because of some secret agenda then so be it. I will wait until the perfect time to break free. And that moment My Friends is coming soon.

Have a joyful and loving Sunday. I plan too!

Love, Peace and Happyness,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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