Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Consult an expert

Thursday 31 March 2011

Sun Aries
Moon Aquarius (still)

More information is needed. Contact someone with expertise in this area.

You’re venturing into an area where other people could assist you by offering you new ideas and information, as well as the benefit of their experience. To attract the right expert to help you, affirm: “A helpful, knowledgeable, experienced person with integrity is in my life right now, and this individual will help me with my current situation. This person comes to me easily and naturally without delay.”

When this person appears, know that it’s Divinely orchestrated. Don’t hesitate or feel guilty about asking for help. Instead, take notes, and give thanks to the person and to Heaven.

Remember, it’s not a sign or weakness to ask for help. Many of Earth’s most wonderful inventions came from team efforts. By working with informed individuals, you also develop the healthy habit of consulting with your celestial guides more consistently.

The resonance of a number two day is cooperation and collaboration. It is time to be receptive. Collect that which you need. Affirm: “I have time and consideration for everyone around me. I joyfully help wherever I can, easing the load of others.”

This is the final day of March 2011. This day will not come again. We can have the same Sun phase or even the same Moon phase but today will be the only day that this day appears in our life. What are you going to do to make this day special? How will you cooperate or what will you do to support others?

The Moon in Aquarius is a positive influence for connecting with human kind and being a part of the collective unconscious. What thoughts and feelings do you want to feed into the vibrant energy currents that flow through us and around us? Are you sending out positive vibes or are you on a downer? You are a magnet and you attract the energy that you put out.

This is a Jupiter ruled day. Thursdays are special – they are abundant and filled with anticipation. If you are not on track or if you have fallen off your true path then ask for help – that is why they exist in our world.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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