Monday, March 28, 2011

Positive energy

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Sun Aries
Moon Aquarius

Surround yourself with positive people and situations, avoid negativity.

Your manifestation work is going wonderfully well. By drawing this card, you’re encouraged to take the process to an even higher level by going on a “negativity diet.” This means avoiding negative influences as much as possible. Avoid negative discussions with yourself and other. Turn off television and radio programs with negative themes, and stay away from violent movies. Don’t read pessimistic headlines, and steer clear of gossip-based magazines. This negativity diet will cleanse you of any hidden blocks that could slow down the manifestation of your dreams – or prevent them from coming true at all.

Another thing you can do is to apply Feng Shui, the ancient art of placement, to your physical environs, which will help enhance the positive energy in all your surroundings. You’re also asked to donate or sell items that are cluttering your home. This helps you bring in new energy and opportunity, and will also establish an environment that promotes creativity, health and abundance.

There is a cosmic push-pull today. On one hand we are encouraged to push the boundaries of our potential and on the other end of the spectrum we are cautioned and restricted. It’s almost like you can have too much fun but don’t enjoy it okay? Very confusing? Yes, well let’s not buy into that agenda instead, infuse positive energy into any situation and we can change the outcome. I guess this is like when you fall over and skin your knew but you get up saying, “I’m alright; I’m alright!”

One a number nine day in the garden we are inclined to rest on our laurels. There is still work to be done so get up and get growing. Yes the fruit is ripe and so we must make haste with the harvest.

While working to empower yourself with the golden harvest consider these fine vines of truth. Will they bear fruit next cycle? Or do we pull them out and start again tomorrow? You chose – it’s your garden. You can describe what you want to plant the seeds. Or move the garden bed around entirely. Tomorrow is a new cycle begins and it’s entirely up to you how that garden will grow.

Love, Peace and Happyness,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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