Thursday, July 15, 2010


Light – enlightened, benevolent leadership – benefiting those in your charge

Shadow – excessive feelings of entitlement – rulership without restraint

Look for a life long need to rule and exert control over a kingdom – whether a corporation, community or family

The Moon is still in Virgo. This is a good thing after all of the chaos of the eclipse season. We now have the opportunity to dig into the details and sort through the deluge of emotions lying scattered on the ground.

How does impact on us? You know, if we are monitoring our emotions, if we are enlightened about the influences of the cosmic forces that are in play, then why do we get caught up in the whirlpool?

Well, I believe we get sucked into other people’s vortex or black holes. I believe that people who are not “aware” of what is happening are knocked about and may react irrationally – they may even take it out on us. And if we are an innocent bystander then how or why is that fair?

Fairness aside, the difficulty here is that we are constantly trying to rationalise why we are being dealt a difficult situation- what is the best solution and how come it has come and side-swiped me when I wasn’t looking.

My advice is, turn off the power – don’t buy into the situation; don’t match their anger/energy – instead send them love and understanding.

Another inner journeys day with the encouragement of a number seven – try and comprehend the changes that are taking place and allow them to filter through to your being. Add a filter and only allow the love and respect of others rest upon your soul. It is important to remember that we are experiencing another chapter in our soul’s evolution.

Temperance hovers elegantly out on the horizon. Rise above the madness and seek a balance especially when the craziness reigns on the landscape of disillusionment.

The Empress inspires us to take heart in the notion that new beginnings are a great place to start today.

Prometheus asks the question; what must we do now? Why worry about yesterday when the shutters have gone down and we have tomorrow to look forward to?

The King within commands leadership skills – demonstrate your loving and wise self to the world and you will be rewarded.

Love, Peace and Humanity,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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