Friday, December 31, 2010

I am doing nothing rather I am being done

I am doing nothing rather I am being done.

Give up learning and you will be free from all cares. What is the difference between yes and no? What is the difference between good and evil?

Must I fear what others fear? Should I fear desolation where there is abundance? Should I fear darkness when that light is shinning everywhere?

In spring, some go to the park and climb the terrace, but I alone am drifting, not knowing where I am. Like a newborn babe before it learns to smile, I am alone, without a place to go.

Most people have too much; I alone seem to be missing something. Mine is indeed the mind of an ignoramus in its unadulterated simplicity. I am but a guest in this world. While others rush about to get things done, I accept what is offered. I alone seem foolish, earning little, spending less.

Other people strive for fame; I avoid the limelight, preferring to be alone. Indeed, I seem like an idiot; no mind, no worries.

I drift like wave on the on the ocean. I blow as aimless as the wind.

All men settle down in their grooves; I alone am stubborn and remain outside. But where I am most different from others is that I know to take sustenance from the great Mother!

This 20th verse of the Tao Te Ching is reflective and interesting. I think that each verse must be savoured and digested in small morsels of individuality. I suggest that each word or concept must resonate within you personally. If it doesn’t then you can leave it to one side of your plate – for later – maybe?

The end of 2010 is aligned with the beginning and the end of a numerological cycle. It is a 10/1 day and I think that this synchronous; another year over and a new one is about to begin.

My current journal is all white. I’ve called it my White Book. The pages were pristine; blank with promise of a new chapter. I started to make the daily entries in November 2010 and am only half way through. Already I’ve noted the personal revolutions, changes and growth spurts that have paved the way toward a New Year.

Today is an acknowledgement that a new cycle is about to begin – a significant date on the calendar and I am taking a few moments to reflect on the Jupiter ruled number three year.

I ponder the lessons and the massive growth cycle. I am grateful for many assets and blessings – blessing such as friends, family, opportunities, the love and devotion of a good man and the loyalty of my inner circle of my golden confidantes.

I am grateful for my health and the ability to move freely and to glide through life in a supple and magnificent temple. I am grateful that I have a mode of communication sacred and vibrant where I can share my insights; pass along lessons I gained in this glorious academy called earth.

The Scorpio Moon is the intense playing field we need to transform our lives. Mars and Pluto are the rulers of this complex sign. Their gift is to take you intent and channel it into creation. On that note I have to ask, what is your intention for 2011? Where do you want to be this time next year?

Perhaps you want to be a Nowhere Man like the suggestion in this 20th verse of the Tao Te Ching. Maybe your aspirations are to be much more high profile. Wherever you want to be I wish you love, peace and happiness.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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