Friday, December 24, 2010

Into harmony with the way

Merry Christmas everyone! Find your place of harmony and peace!

Discovering how things have always been brings me into harmony with the way.

The early morning sounds of Christmas past are rattling around in the kitchen. The turkey is being prepared and the seasoning is being made. Its Christmas morning and the street quiet. The Christmas Eve party from last night is dormant in the alcohol haze.

We came to Sydney to join our family and friends for another year of Christmas celebrations. Breakfast with one family lunch another and the rolling on to dinner with another branch of the family tree. Tomorrow we continue the banquet with another meal with family – lucky I brought elasticised waisted skirts and flowy loose fitting dresses. It’s great to see them all and bask in the wonder of the child-like celebrations and fun.

I am staying with my mother in her tiny cottage. We have reminisced, hugged and shared many conversations filled with kind words and repetition. I love being with her and watching her grow into the golden phase of maturity. It’s a blessing to be here and sharing these holidays with her and my awesome family.

The Leo Moon is the perfect space for this silver orb to be bouncing in right now. In harmony she is gregarious, proud, lovely and generous. Out of harmony she could instigate some bent noses out of joint with inappropriate gifts and sloppy kisses from Uncle Bert. Try not to let those disappointments interfere with the fun and joy of this special day.

A number four day is a foundation building day; a time for building bridges and walking toward your pinnacle of dreams.

Have a joyful, happy and safe Christmas day!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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