Saturday, July 2, 2011

Jar of Jems July 2011

Dearest Jem-star,

It is the morning after the July 1 eclipse. To celebrate this cosmic event I lit a candle, went into a deep meditation and wrote down my wishes/intention for the coming months. As an overview I can tell you that I have not requested or invested for a lot significant changes instead they seem more subtle, nurturing and health focused.

At this moment I feel more sensitive to other people and my surroundings. For this reason I feel confused. My former goals have lost some of their meaning. I am not concerned – I know that is only a phase.

Fortunately I crave my creative, spiritual and artistic pursuits. They seem to be invaluable while I explore more feelings. My dream life has been more active and I am in tune with my intuitive nature. Dreams have been more vivid, carrying messages into my waking life. My perceptions and goals are changing in subtle ways. I avoid making decisions that require logic and prefer to listen to my intuition. To be honest, Jems, I don’t feel as if I want to make life-changing decisions; instead explore the subtle realms of life, rather than forge ahead with definite goals.

Jems, I am the butterfly emerging from the cocoon. I am not forcing the process, but rather taking my time to enjoy the new emerging me. I am conscious that I will soon discover new depths and means that colour my life in different ways.

One of the messages I received in meditation last night was to revisit my, Statement of Intent for 2011. Even though I feel that my wings are unfolding and I am gasping for quite deep and healing breaths I wanted to see how my intentions for 2011 are tracking.

Some of the statements on this list were:

• Have fun – I am making time to laugh and be in the moment
• Follow my form – I have joined the gym and I am working on the body – eating healthy and expressing my divinity
• Travel – I have travelled nation-wide recently but have also explored my deep spiritual roots
• Connections with family and friends are deep, consistent and enduring
• Feeding my curious mind and insatiable soul – this intention has begun and has been with me for most of my life. I feel as if this is one of my soul commitments in this life and will continue as I live; I will continue to grow.
Speaking of curious, how are you my inspirational and enduring friend? Please tell me what grooves in the northern hemisphere and magical world?

Love, Peace and Harmony,


Dear JAR,

What a beautiful letter. I was moved by your discussion of the pursuit of the subtle realms, with all of its challenges and rewards. To me it seems that this is where all the ‘real stuff’ happens, and then it gets manifested and expressed in the physical world almost as an afterthought. Our bodies are simply the cabooses on the train of spirit! How lovely to look around at where we are and really and truly be happy and satisfied with that vision as we chug along on the track. I, too, have been marvelling at the brilliant scenic vision that has been presenting itself all around me. I have been ‘taking inventory’ of the elements in my life and observing what is there by my design and what it is that arrived as gifts. But that sentence is misleading – because everything in our lives is both! Even the tough, challenging times and people we encounter are there by design and it’s up to us to find the hidden gifts.

This eclipse season has been particularly interesting. On the physical realm, I have been observing firsthand the abundance of electrical turbulence in the atmosphere. Each day at work last week, the machinery acted up quite a bit. On the first day it was the copier, the next day it was the phones, on the third day it was the fax machine. It was all finally resolved, but we are still scratching our heads with unanswered questions about what actually went on.
I woke up in the middle of the night and saw some bright electrical activity in my peripheral line of vision, which at first startled me. It happened again a few times, but then subsided.
On the mental plane, I have been effervescently excited about completing my course work, and my mind feels like it is sparkling with delight as it gets fed with the ambrosia of pursued knowledge.
In the emotional realm, I have been observing everyone around me with a heightened sense of empathy, and my focus is shifting toward how I can be of greater service to the world I am in.
On the spiritual level, I feel deeply connected to my guides and inner truth.
There is an interesting inner knowing that has taken up residence in my soul ~ a permeation of deeper trust and faith in the unknown, with an understanding that everything happens in its own time. Perhaps I am simply being a witness to ’my time’ which has come. I am grateful that I’ve been granted enough awareness and have developed enough self-esteem to recognize and accept this phenomenon as it unfolds before my very eyes.

We all want to be noticed and loved for who we are, and I know that many times during my life I’ve tripped over myself trying to prove I could do something just to be loved. Perhaps all the work and tripping I’ve done served the purpose of giving myself the gift of mySelf! I find it interesting how we always attract positive acknowledgement from the Universe, which is poised and ready to affirm our beliefs about ourselves by sending us those who will assist us in criticizing and judging ourselves, if that is what we are doing. However, over the years I have increased the amount of respect I have for myself, and have let go of the attitudes that prevented me from fulfilling my evolutionary destiny. I’ve come a long way through this lifelong challenge of change and growth, and I now find myself surrounded by those who support my evolved perspective and vision of who I am.
I believe that the times when we are most uncertain of ourselves may be the time of our greatest growth. When I read that you were in a place where your former goals have lost some of their meaning, and felt confused ~ I smiled! Don’t get me wrong – even though you think it’s only a passing phase, I believe that this phase may be the greatest gift of all.
It brought to mind a saying from mythologist Joseph Campbell: “If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it’s not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That’s why it’s your path.”

I consider it a precious gift to be able to share these thoughts with you, and what I consider an even more precious gift is to know that you understand.
It is my privilege to hear and share in your discoveries, challenges, joys, and sadnesses. Keep ‘em coming, my Friend!

May deep joy, peace, and breathing be yours, always!

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