Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cycles – Moonstone

I move with the cycles of life with joy and acceptance.

I have lots of Moonstone in my life. She is a beautiful stone to wear and to have close to me. It seems that my life is a series of cycles and Moonstone is always close to guide me through the changes.

Everything within our lives has its cycle. Attempting to reap what you have just sown is not realistic. There needs to be a period of growth before the fruit can come to harvest. Alternatively, when you really need time to turn inward and rest, attempting to plant and grow a new aspect of your life is not fruitful. Moonstone is calling you to explore which part of the cycle your are currently in, and take the appropriate action.

The Moon and Sun are both complimenting one another in airy elements. This bodes well for a wonderful witty, charming day.

It’s an 11/2 day so there is a public/private feel with contracts or agreements on the agenda. It’s a good day to socialise and network with people who can move you toward a different location.

Strength represents the taming of the beast – overcoming disappointment – and or fear with the courage of your convictions. Hold true to your values without wavering.

The Hanged Man appears again today. I wish he would just go away! I am done with waiting. I’ve been patient long enough and now I am sick of waiting. Hey, did you read about weight-ing in Jar of Jems in this month’s Ezine (at: _? Jems gives her perspective on waiting and how it equates into weight-ing - an interesting read.

The Hierophant carries the scar of emotional and physical trauma. He has been wounded by the arrows of the aggressors. He carries the beast of burden in his heart – why must I endure the angst of rejection and torment?

Moonstone is nurturing and supportive on our journey throughout the cycles of life. This crystal is gentle and reflects soft hues of purest white to delicate silvery blues. It is a feminie stone which brings equilibrium to our emotions. Offering support through the stormy seas of unrest. It calms the tidal waves of regret.

I also engage with my Moonstone pendant in the eclipse season. I have a ritual which I will share with you prior to the next eclipse so watch this space and have a magical day!

Love, Peace and Magic,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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