Saturday, June 26, 2010


Light – highlights your fear of self empowerment and the changes it would bring to your life.

Shadow – induces self destructive behaviour or the desire to undermine others

Everyone has this archetype.

Can I recommend two great books to you? The first one is by Carolyn Myss and it is called, “Sacred Contracts: Awakening your Divine Potential”. The other one is “Chakras and their Archetypes: Uniting, Energy, Awareness and Spiritual Growth,” by Ambika Waters.

I have carried both of these books with me around the world for over a decade. I still pick both of them up and reading them. Why, mainly, to remind myself about the quest for my personal evolution. When I realise that I am falling into old patterns of behaviour like, victim and saboteur I delver deeper into my motivations.

Are these behaviours racquets or am I exerting these archetypes to gain some benefit, e.g. empathy, attention or even avoidance. And more importantly what do I hope to get out of these archetypes? It’s a highly complex investigation one which we will explore together over time.

It is true though – we all have the saboteur archetype. One way I recognise this one is to give it a face, personality and even an identity (which is not unlike some of the images I choose when I publish my daily column).

What I would suggest however is you choose your personal representation – what/who represents your saboteur within? Is it a forceful villain or is it more subtle and manipulative? Sometimes the saboteur has a voice so whose voice would elicit the saboteur behaviours, perhaps a two-faced goblin – like Gollum? Whatever you choose it must resonate with you and be quickly recognised.

I’ve chosen one for this column so your investigation could start there but please keep in mind that the brain remembers in colour so images are very powerful. I like to give it a sound so music or a voice would have a potent effect also.

Last night I mindfully prepared for my full Moon lunar eclipse ritual. I wrote in my Book of Shadows, I chose significant remanets of my recent past and I arranged all of the items outside for my ritual.

At exactly 9:30pm I began the process of releasing the past with the kind words of love and healing. As the flames engulfed the papers I sent the smoke off with love and gratitude. I looked up and witnessed the eclipse pass over the glorious silvery orb above. I felt the negativity and disappointment surge out of my body.

I invited my husband to join me in this ritual. He had been my support and loving guide through the past experiences. He had listened, ached and cried with me as I journeyed into Hades and back again. We embraced and whispered, “We survived and we are strong and powerful – thank you for the lessons and now I release them with love and gratitude.”

After the outside practice we had a long hot bubble and salt bath. Sitting in the bath I flicked over the experiences like leafing through an old book. As the water drained from the bath I watched the dead cells of these experience drain into the sewer. They are gone but not forgotten. They are in my library and I can take them out whenever I choose but for now they are filed under, E for Experience. I am proud of my achievements and of the mere fact that I am now stronger and am more fulfilled. So Be It!

Today the moon waits in the sign of Capricorn. She is still full and a little unsteady on her pedestal. The energy of the eclipse is draining and exhausting, I should imagine. The Sun is in Cancer so the balance between work and family is highlighted.

It’s a number nine day so conclusions and resolutions are prominent. It’s almost time to begin again however we must resolve issues from the past that we no longer need.

Our reading begins joyfully with the Jupiter ruled Wheel of Fortune blasting through the morning spread. This is a positive affirmation that our decision to relinquish the past pain is a constructive leap toward a new phase.

Temperance demonstrates the balance of enlightenment after the dark experiences of the past. You can’t possibly expect to come to this place unless you choose a higher perspective.

Judgement celebrates the shedding of the past. Let go of the pain you’ve endured – what will you do with it anyway? Wear it as a badge of honour – there is much more appropriate apparel to wear, believe me!

Hop on board the Chariot as we are about to experience the ride of our lives; the next eclipse is just around the course – so sit down, buckle up and scream, “Infinity and Beyond!” So Be It!

Love, Peace and Eclipse Magic,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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