Saturday, December 26, 2009

A new grand-daughter born today

God is lavish, unfailing abundance, the rich omnipresent substance of the Universe. This all-providing source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me – the Reality of me.

We have been notified that a new little grand-daughter has been born in the early hours of this morning. She is a new life – pure and beautiful entering the world with a Capricorn Sun and a Taurus Moon.

We are settled here in Nelson Bay. We’ve unpacked, shopped, set up some schedules for entertainment and socializing. We also made ourselves at home with routines for rest and rejuvenation and plans for fun and entertainment for the week. This is all very nice and holiday mode.

The weather is very grey and overcast – it is rainy and quite miserable. I am concerned that if I sit around I will be miserable and the mood of the day will flood my emotional world. For now though the rain is intoxicating and relaxing. I know it sounds weird but when you’ve lived in a drought, rain is music to your ears. I only hope it goes down south and across the drought regions of Australia where it is most needed.

I think of all the people who are unwell at this time of year. Illness is not a punishment, but a stimulant to life. Illness can be a teacher, companion, or challenge – but not a punishment. Still, sometimes its message isn’t clear. Ignore the illness. Look for stimulation in the knowledge that you can heal in an instant.

Drink the energy of the changing number five day and make the changes necessary to heal from within.

Peace and Love,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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