Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rainbow Idealism

There is on mind, Divine Mind, in which we all live, move and have our being. I remember there is no them and us. There is only us. I live each day in peace – peace of mind, peace in heart, peace in action.

The High Priestess ushers me from the darkness of my emotional prison. She knows the score – been there before. The Emperor commands – take you power back, child – don’t give them an inch and don’t buy into their wicked ways. Treachery lingers in the hearts of the pettiness – rise above and don’t respond in kind. The Sun is seductive and alluring. Not only does it force its way through the dark clouds of loneliness, scattering them to the four winds, its rays of optimism remind me that a new day is as evocative as a new way of living.

Today is a number seven day. These are the days for inner reflection and question time at the stadium of the soul. It is not necessarily the BIG issues of life but more like a reality check of how am I doing? Am I on track? Do I meet my standards? Am I holding true to the values and beliefs I started out with?

I believe that we start out pure – coated in honest intention and coloured with rainbow idealism. Most of are “good people” then we are flung into the world. You have to make your way through the rocky outcrops of reality – hit a few edifices (sometimes) almost drown in emotional whirlpools, flung on to foreign beaches with strangers, you make friends and then you realise that they are not your friends – instead they are treacherous lying cheating thieves who rob you of your self esteem. What then? What must we do?

For me, on a day with this Sun and Mars alignment – coupled with the Libran moon I start out with good intention to resolve those relationships that taunt at my soul and keep me awake at night. We want to be liked, right? We all want to live and work in peace and harmony? And yet we walk away disappointed and disillusioned by another failed attempt of relationship balance. Our expectations are smashed by the reality hammer.

So, what do we do? My strategy is to pick up the pieces of my self esteem and move into another classroom. In that new environment I offer and express my unique talents. I have unique talents that when expressed, serve my own needs, as well as my family and the society I live in.

See you in the rainbow of idealism.

Peace and Love,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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