Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 31 – XI days to go – Growl

You know how I suggested yesterday that laughing off situations would be a good strategy – should have taken my own advice.

For some reason I got myself into an awful state – I got frustrated while waiting forty five minutes at one stop – got annoyed about being left out “again!” and then frustrated by the fact that people continually underestimate me. Why do I bother? Why do I care? I don’t know – what I do know is that I am even more annoyed abut allowing myself the wasted energy in reacting to these situations. Today will be different – I promise.

It’s a number five day – a day of changes – it is a positive new month and Mercury is bounding forward. Communication is clear, check; understood, check and what is even more refreshing there doesn’t seem to be any cosmic clashes to be seen.

It’s eleven days to go on the detox program. I’ve been detoxing the liver this week and it has been rather uncomfortable, I must say. I’ve felt pretty lousy really – I’ve had a headache and nausea for most of the week. While I understand it is part of the process I’ve felt rather uncomfortable. The liver is such a major organ and it has been absorbing so many unhealthy habits over my life time. Habits like sugar, carbohydrates and did I mention, sugar. I am convinced that once this part of the program is accomplished then I will have a nice healthy general for my body. He will be able to efficiently direct the nutrients to the correct portal.

The Empress and the Emperor hold hands in agreement as they stroll through my morning spread. The Hanged man moans from the tree of life – go slow and relax, Girl – the fool assures me that a new month will bring many new surprises and visions to fruition. Just keep the faith and travel light – you be alright!

I am tempted to encourage you to take it slow – what do you think about that? Okay let’s shuffle along together it’s a long and winding road – turn that growl into a victory roar!

Peace and love,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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