Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Act now, Grasshopper

My consciousness of the Spirit within me as m unlimited Source is the Divine Power to restore the years the locusts have eaten, to make all things new, to lift me up to the High Road of abundant prosperity. This awareness, understanding and knowledge of Sprit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possibly desire.

A number eight day offers success in business. Ambition stirs within you. A big business day. Be an executive. Organise and reorganise. Use good judgement. Do all your financial and legal work. Best day for signing leases and contracts. Colours – beige/brown/pink and the jewell is diamond.

Numerologically, this number eight day promises to be an action packed day. Astrologically, the Sun and Venus sextile Uranus along with the Moon entering the most fertile day of the month – the sowing time is about to begin.

The Star, Magician and the Chariot swirl around in my subconscious emerging with messages, conspiring to conjure up an action-oriented day. Taking charge of the reigns is the only option while giving it my all. The culmination of events is now about to explode.

And what if they do? So what? It is a fertile time. It is a window of opportunity flung open allowing the fresh breeze of a new day whisk you away into a brand new compelling chapter.

The subtle energies of the day move the propeller of my plane. I am on the tarmac and the engine is idling. The Universe offers a wild card on Friday evening with the New Moon Solar eclipse. There is a stirring in the valley behind me and my focus is on the horizon. It’s not a long runway – just long enough to contemplate the incline of my actions.

I am cautious and specific with the script. The right words at the right time make all the difference to the finale. It’s a three act play and I am in the final act. Will it be a box office success? Or will it be a flop?

The power of our thoughts influences the outcomes of our actions. The individual epitomises the Universe. Where exactly does your influence on life end? You’ll never know the full power or consequences of your actions and choices. Enhance the whole of life today through your actions.

Consider this: I am powerful and prosperous. I am the executive of my life and affairs. I go from success to success. Now go out into the world and act on that affirmation, Grasshopper.

Peace, Love and Happiness

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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