Friday, January 29, 2010


The beauty and the bounty of the day lie in the fullness of the Blue Moon. The Moon is at her grandest at 5:17pm 11 degrees Leo. She is in her flamboyant phase, shinning her magical beams upon us to remind the mere mortals here on earth of the power of love and the importance of creativity.

Sounds wonderful? Well, yes of course it is! However there is also a powerful tug of war between arch rivals, Saturn and Pluto shaping up in the ring. Saturn represents stability and Pluto insists upon evolution – metamorphosis. While this is their battle it is also a time to exorcise your demons and or bad habits and choose to whisk them away in a luminous finale.

Leo resides is the fifth house of love and creativity. The Moon is an ultra-feminine planet. This combination at the lunar phase which insists upon conclusion/resolution presents the perfect auspicious to bring to a climax all these aspects which are pertinent to you right now. Each facet will come to you with integrity of your unique situation.

Mark Twain offers, “Man was made at the end of the week’s work, when God was tired.” You may agree or disagree – I believe it is up to us to make our own mark. In saying that, I maintain that it is not our capabilities which make us who we are it are the choices we make that lead us to our destination.

The number seven personal day suggests that we journey within. Look within and receive the answers you are seeking. Take time to go within, be in touch with your inner wisdom. The colours for today are purple/violet and the jewell is amethyst.

The Empress gives birth to a new phase; a new direction. The labour is over and the freshness of a new chapter is intoxicating. It’s time to squat and connect with the earth – wait one moment longer in the embrace of Gaia. Are you prepared to wait? If so reflect on what is important to you!

The Lover’s wink knowingly. They are basking in the ardour of their love. The world exists outside their haven – no trespassers allowed!

The world is on offer – Venus touches the garland of plenty – step this way – tread carefully for you are walking on my dreams.

You are the star in your own blockbuster. Lights, camera and action – roll the film – no wait. How is your make up? Are you wearing the right colours? The script has been edited – do you know your lines? You’ve crafted each word perfectly from your thoughts, words and desires. You connect with the desires of the passionate actor within – step out from the wings and take your spot on centre stage. This will be the performance of your life. Wait. Just a minute – timing is everything – reflect just a moment – keep your eyes open – joy lives in small places and tiny movements. Success can be in the fluttering of the eyelids or the obtuse grimace of your pout.

Make sure that the choices you make will lead you in the direction of your dreams.

Love, Peace and Happiness,

Julia Ashton-Sayers


Today the mailman trudged through the snow to my door, at which time he thrust into the opening in my door a read envelope. Peeking excitedly into the curious little flap, I was aghast; a letter within and a feather from my friend.

As my eyes skipped over words of love and news from the Land Down Under, I began to feel and reel for the love and friendship I have received today. Tingling sensations vibrated down my body and soon I began to realize just how much I am missed and I began to enter into bliss.

I held the red envelope close to my heart for just a moment and I became aware of just how much she cared. My fingers gently slid over the feather I knew in an instant it was a gift from Spirit, taking my soul and making it anew. I sighed and smiled with delight as I wondered and pondered tonight – just how blessed I am, and I screamed – alright!

Today a red envelope was delivered to me. And now I laugh and dance with glee. I have received and now am sure that I am truly loved and celebrate that the postman had trudged to my door.

Sometime in 1999

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