Friday, January 1, 2010

Negative Nellies don’t live here

The Divine consciousness that I am is forever expressing its true nature of Abundance. My only responsibility is to be aware of this Truth. Therefore, I am totally confident in letting go and letting God appear as the abundant all-sufficiency in my life and affairs.

Eckhart Tolle suggests, “Offering resistance to life is to be in a state of grace, ease and lightness. This state is then no longer dependent on things being in a certain way, good or bad. It seems almost paradoxical, yet when your inner dependency on form is gone, the general conditions of your life, the outer forms, tend to improve greatly.”

All negativity is resistance e.g. irritation and impatience to fierce anger, from a depressed mood or sullen resentment to suicidal despair. Negativity is totally unnatural. When you find yourself in the midst of negativity – see it as a message to “wake up, and get out of your mind. Be present.

Today is a number six day of commitment and responsibility. We have a responsibility to ourselves to be living our best life. This cannot happen if we think, speak or act negatively.

Yesterday I walked a beach. I walked consciously and creatively. I was fully present as I stepped into the next step. As my foot left an imprint I realised what I had created was quickly washed away by the tide and wind.

I was surrounded by pure joy. It was a dog’s beach and therefore dogs frolicked with their owners chasing sticks into the water, retrieved them proudly and waited in anticipation for the next challenge. I realised that they were in the Now. They did not think about one moment into the future – they did not consider a better moment and even the little corgi that is wracked with rheumatism consider the pain in his body- all he cared about was chasing after the stick – the focus on now.

I walked the beach with ease and joy – I felt at peace. I focused on my breath and being entirely present. My mind was totally free of the past or the future and my heart was filled with love, compassion and peace. I asked myself if it would be possible to take this state of being into 2010 and beyond. The question was no answered of course as it is my responsibility to secure the joy of now.

The Hierophant seeks the higher mind as the terrain in which to dwell. It is not intellectual prowess or academic achievement that is the prize – it is the ability to escape the ghosts of our mind. Poised in the present moment experiences is the liberation and rite of passage we seek to empower our bodies with good health and constant bliss.

The chariot focuses on home and family. The lunar ruled card is shifting the tide very fast. The Leo moon has come into play and it’s time for creative pursuits and expression of our inner realm to seize the day.

The Moon represents creativity and feminity – loyalty and truth. Your unique abilities are never far from the surface when you are authentic with yourself.

Lessons of the New Year prevail and I understand that if I speak or act with negativity, pain follows. Speak or act with a pure heart and happiness follows. Be mindful of being positive in all you say and do. Know that each of your thoughts and deeds has the power to heal you – so watch them closely without judging (Carolyn Myss).

Peace, Love and Happiness,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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