Sunday, November 22, 2009

Bring on the love

I now forgive myself for every mistake I have ever made, knowingly and unknowingly! I did the best I could at that time.

Today, I set myself free from all blame and condemnation, and walk forward ready to give and receive whatever enriches life.

Venus and Jupiter are positive forces in our lives, right? Well, yes of course! As a self-confessed hedonist I would rather face a week of Venus and Jupiter that the continual hurdy-gurdy of Saturn and Pluto. Venus and Jupiter are prominent today as I said. But is a good thing? Sure, why not?

And now for the forehead slap. Yes, this alignment is good but (why is there always a but?) in moderation or balance. We can be tempted this week to combat the tough astro alignment from last week with a little retail therapy, closely followed up with martinis on the deck and fruit flans with loads of cream.

Yes this week over-indulgence is the warning. Consider balance in all things. I don’t want to be a fly in your emotional ointment as I am a mere mortal struggling with the deluge cosmic dealings impacting on our daily lives. However, we need to be aware that every calorie we eat and every dollar we spend will have repercussions in the end. So, enjoy the energy of this magnificent alignment and allow yourself some joy and fun splashing around in the celestial swimming pool.

Death represents the closing of the door. An old friend has left town or an ending to a situation that wasn’t really working for us anyhow.

The Star is luminous and magnetic as she motivates me to rise from my knees and take my place on the stage of hope and restitution. I am given some solace on a dark and dismal night.

The High Priestess reminds me of the struggle, the exodus from Hades and how this journey has taken its toll.

The Wheel of Fortune reflects the glow of the Jupiterian beam. There’s more where that came from Sweetie! Don’t be fooled that the ride is over – you’re only shunted into the holding bay for a short term. Don’t give up on the ticket. The ride is current and the engines are thumping in anticipation.

Keep the faith – the glow of the Sagittarian Sun beams optimism and good fortune our way. So be it!

It’s a number nine day which facilitates empowerment and resolution. Take the high road and not the low road and you reach success afore ye! Remember, in itself money is not the root of all evil. I recognise the value of money when I learn not to confuse true wealth with the symbols of wealth.

Enjoy your day!

So Be It!

Peace and Love,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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