Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Synchronicity calls

I trust that this burning desire to do/create/establish is a part of a greater plan. I know that I am being guided and prepared for this in the perfect way. I let go all sense of urgency and time, and stay calm as I am shown exactly what to do.

Hermes the Magician is adaptable and creative. He has the ability to traverse between worlds easily and effortlessly. He reminds me of the capabilities I’ve inherited from my experiences on this earth plane which is entwined in my DNA.

The Wheel of Fortune heralds a bountiful phase – prizes are won as the wheel spins.

Hermit steps across the minefield of misconceptions and delicately guides me toward a healing lifestyle.

The world brings a garland of goodies – ripe for the picking – a virtual cornucopia of opportunities.

The Moon is coerced by Jupiter to beam her generosity and waves of optimism to us mere mortals.

It’s a number four day of building solid foundations for the future. The erratic energy of the number three day from yesterday is tempered by the practical energy of the four pillars of solidarity.

Synchronicity surrounds my every step. My subconscious is the road map and the numerological sign posits are the green signs. Synchronous events shape our lives as we feed in the data of our dreams.

Emerging from the darkness of the Moon distant hums remind me to stay tuned. Dreams don’t manifest over night – or do they? We loose our footing in the potholes. It is important however to pick ourselves up, dust of the remnants of disappointment and keep walking the talk.

Humans are such fragile beings. We are sensitive and emotional. Well, I’m speaking for myself of course. We are allied to the cause but dented by perspectives of others. It takes guts to stay strong and focused. Walking through fire and ice is a hellish experience. All we desire is to survive and pick a few daises from the garden of hope.

Even in the chaos of my emotional doldrums I lament. Nothing is random or happens by chance. My life is full of clues that link my inner reality to my outer world.

What are those lights up yonder? Are they beacons of hope? Stay try and you will be rewarded. Life becomes a reward and you will be victorious.

Peace and Love,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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