Friday, November 20, 2009

Greater good

I allow every person/condition whose time it is to leave this business/career path, to leave. I am grateful for everything I have learned, and for every contribution this person has made. I now open wholeheartedly to the greater good that is entering my life.

I allow every person/condition whose time it is to leave this business, to leave. I am grateful for everything I have learned, and for every contribution this person/s has/have made. I now open wholeheartedly to the greater good that is entering my life. So Be It!

The Moon rests in Capricorn again today. And the focus is on goals, business, career, money and most practical aspects of our lives. It’s Saturday and the domestics are high on the agenda. I have a list and I am witling it away one job at a time (so Cappy!).

It’s a number seven day – reflection and the inner realm are beckoning. My head says career/business and my heart says creativity/self expression. Whereas my house is calling, “make me nice so we can bask in the glory of a clean house!” Oh! The inner battles continue.

I’m not sure about you but this week has been rather challenging for me. It’s not that there have been arguments our outer conflicts instead the inner frustrations have been raw. That was then and this is now – a new day; a new way!

Death is the changer – the first card suggests the end of the older order. A chapter closes with a hook. A new chapter must be written.

The Hermit carefully steps around the broken pieces of my disappointment. The path will be illuminated if I release my fear.

The Hierophant represents the wise chamber within us all. WE’ve all been to the Akashic records and know the conclusion to this fairy tale. Live for today and don’t fret – it will get better as soon as you forget the endings are painful and the beginnings are healing.

Empress is my solar beam – bright and bountiful. She is the harbinger of new growth – a different point of view.

I am not afraid to move forward in a new direction. I am not unwilling to try and exercise a different part of me. My reluctances dwells in the aspiration of my memory card. Is it for the greater good or ego that propels me forth? Am I seeking accolades or satisfaction in my destiny?

A cornucopia hovers on my horizon. When we focus on the benefit for all; the horn of plenty flows for everyone. In the interim, I recognise true success. True success is the progressive expansion of happiness. It is the ability to express spontaneous joy and share it with others.

Bask in the glory of my success – soak up the joy from my spirit. The battle is over – celebrations begin!

Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers

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